Peter was executed in Rome roughly 67 AD. His letter to the Jewish Christians in modern Turkey was at least a couple of years before that, so far as we can tell. Peter was in Rome working with John Mark; Paul’s old buddy, Silas, was there to play scribe for Peter. Paul was gone. Nero’s persecution had begun and things were pretty ugly in Rome. Once it got rolling there, it would spread across the empire.
So 1 Peter is a warning to the Jewish Christians to brace themselves. Woven throughout this whole letter is the constant reminder the only proper frame of mind for folks following Jesus was otherworldly mysticism. It’s almost comical how mainstream evangelical and fundamentalist Christians here in the US struggle to keep mysticism out the discussion of Peter’s message. They have no problem with the old Germanic fatalism and bravery, or even the old Roman version of it, but that Hebrew stuff was just too much.
The idea this world does not matter, except as a context in which to show God’s glory, is just too much for those folks with all the trappings of a middle class merchant’s existence.
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