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Monthly Archives: January 2013
Notes on the Coming Network Civilization
I’ve often said some of my best work comes in response to good questions. While I would agree most people are capable of synthesizing from their own memories and intelligence, and need only someone to ask the right questions, sometimes … Continue reading
The Moral Principle of Domain
The fundamental element in human existence is a sense of mission. By definition, that is your reason for living. It is not necessary to give it a name or be able to explain it in some concise statement. Chances are … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged moral fabric, moral imperatives, mysticism, peace, psychology
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Reprise: The Folly of American Style Evangelism
This actually deserves a book, but we can start here with a rehash of previous material. Evangelism and False Guilt Nothing in Scripture obliges you to go out and cold call people with your gospel sales pitch. The entire notion … Continue reading
Not an American
No, I am not an American. I was born and raised in the US, and will probably die here, but I am not an American. In a giant box hardware store, I approached the heavy hand tools rack: shovels, sledge … Continue reading
Posted in prophecy
Tagged culture, human differences, mysticism, propaganda, psychology, racism
Bits and Pieces 7
I learned how to sharpen a green wood saw blade. A few months ago I stumbled across a huge 30-inch (76cm) bow saw; I didn’t know they made them that large. So I grabbed it for just a few dollars … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged computers, economics, input formats, linux, publishing, software, writing
Zechariah 10
As before, the prophet reveals to us the truth of God on multiple levels. This is how God operates, an image of what He is like when people embrace His truth. On the immediate level, Judah has yet to fully … Continue reading
A Lady in Waiting 11
Waking up in his arms, she decided she had never slept so well in her life. Naturally, they had discussed the implications long into the night. She knew she would probably never understand all of it and didn’t care. She … Continue reading
A Lady in Waiting 10
She smiled because she could afford it. This time, she had been able to consider the shape of her questions and didn’t lose them in her own discomfort, so she skipped the introductory chatter. “I read parts of your old … Continue reading
Posted in fiction
Tagged game, human nature, marriage, mysticism, propaganda, psychology, western biases
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