Mysticism is the assumption your mind is neither capable of handling everything, nor even the most important things, but that some other faculty in a higher realm must be the center of ultimate decision making.
Law is for the flesh. It is an expression, a manifestation of moral imperative. It is not the imperative itself, but a transmission of it in lesser terms the mind can handle. It’s a frame of reference that the mind acknowledges cannot fit every context. This is why legalism, or anything smelling of legalism, is inherently immoral. It makes the Law into a god, a blasphemous reduction of God to a mere intellectual apprehension. It makes morality into mere conduct without any commitment of the soul. Legalism always fails.
The Law cannot be expressed in such unvarying terms in human language. Without acknowledged loopholes and variations, the result cannot be just. Justice is not an objective precept standing on its own; it is wholly subject to the person of God. The intellect cannot go there, so the intellect must bow at the feet of something higher in the soul.
I can say it’s Lawful to pirate software, in the broader sense, because of how I perceive the Laws of God. I have enough confidence in this assertion to say, “Thus saith the Lord.” That doesn’t mean it’s always a good idea. The Spirit behind the Law may well pull me in a different direction for reasons I can’t state. I can state with full prophetic confidence the political system of the US is wholly unjust and stands under God’s wrath. Even the Law recognizes it’s still unwise to reject cooperation with the laws of the land.
Yet there are surely times when defying the laws of this land is utterly necessary. That includes recognizing you are likely to be punished for your defiance. That’s part of the price we pay for moral purity. We read in God’s Laws the principle that we cannot touch His anointed rulers. Not a single president in US history was anointed by God in the sense of someone who submitted to His revelation and sought His approval. Some claimed it, but their actions indicate not a one of them cared nearly as much as they claimed. Some were decent; none were good. But the principle of the Law is not a matter of such precision. Rather, it places a burden upon the servant of God. We aren’t supposed to play at divine policemen setting things right by removing offensive rulers. We take the position God is in charge of such things and prefers we keep our hands clean of such matters. He’d rather use sinners to kill sinners.
Still, resisting evil in government officials is an option in the Laws of God. Could we imagine for a moment someone spiritually dead who, for whatever reason, is moved to implement God’s Laws, we allow they could still be just even if they find it necessary to commit violent acts against government officials. The Laws of God do leave that door open and are fairly clear in expressing the narrow parameters where it would be justified. Once you adopt the frame of reference, it’s plausible. You’ll also understand it’s unlikely. Still, if a policemen is committing rape or murder, regardless of that badge of office, go right ahead and stop him; if necessary, kill him. All the more so if you have reason to believe his peers and the system behind him are unlikely to take appropriate action. If you can’t imagine that scenario, as a former cop I will assert that you are stupid. Yet, you surely know it will cost you much if anyone else knows you did it.
At the moment of action, those of us spiritually alive must keep a listening ear to the Spirit. We assume things are not what they seem. We don’t train up our bodies like ninja warriors to react without consideration. Just the opposite; we train our instincts along spiritual considerations. That’s our primary duty. We hope the Spirit-spirit communion will take over first before our brain has time to process.
This realm is broken, utterly false. If you start from this realm and what your damaged mind can build, the result will remain utterly false and broken. If you start from revelation coming down from a higher realm, you discover the mind is required to formulate a plausible course built on foundations it cannot duplicate from its own resources.
To the nonspiritual minds, what we do looks like an emphasis on deductive reasoning. We start with immutable assumptions and strive to interpret the context in light of them. This is true, as far as it goes. It is hardly so hide bound when properly done, but the accusation sticks because for far too many people claiming spiritual enlightenment, we see that very thing. We see where they operate from a mere intellectual position, and they have bound themselves to obeying what the intellect can handle. The spirit is far higher. Indeed, the spirit is able to process things before they happen. The mind can only guess and imagine, but the spirit can know beyond all physical proof and fact the precise spiritual and moral nature of things from an eternal perspective. It’s not simple deductive reasoning, but something far beyond mere reason.
This is why, without the slightest hint of apology, I assert mysticism is the way of Scripture. While I am surely up against the ropes with a vast collection of false notions regarding mysticism, particularly among Christians, I cannot allow their lies to inhibit the truth in my soul. Yes, I am in my own little world, which happens to a place where eternity bulges into this fallen plane of existence. Care to join me?
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