I’m feeling just a tad better. I shooed the Russian Army out of my sinuses and I’m now coughing up their toe-jam.
Today I stayed at my keyboard with full devotion and now I have 68 of 103 finished on the initial rewrite. That puts us at the rebellion of Jeroboam against Rehoboam, son of Solomon.
My granddaughter (and her mommy) have discovered I know how to strip YouTube videos and produce MP3s of the songs. The girl has a functioning toy tablet and they can copy the songs to if for her to play. And she does. Repeatedly.
I’m still not fully capable of deep thought, so you’ll have to tolerate my sick sense of humor.
Oh, and someone roped me into getting a LinkedIn account. It’s under the name “Ed Hurst” and I list myself as retired from working at religious institutions. Heh.
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