Bits and Pieces 5

The main prosecutor in the Aaron Swartz case has just lied to the public about their plans. I can write this with full confidence because I know all too well one does not become a federal prosecutor without first being a professional liar. That is the nature of the system. Anyone who tells the truth will quickly lose their job, at the very least, because the system does not permit honesty. To this day, I can safely bet lying to the public is crucial necessity of almost every “officer of the court” in every jurisdiction that makes any difference. Ortiz willfully terrorized Swartz.
Prosecution is built on hatred. The only difference between a prosecuting attorney and a torturer is the latter works for the former, so the prosecutors don’t have to get their hands dirty and they get to wear nicer clothes.
I’ve been around the victims of the so-called “justice system.” The vast majority of them have more honor the cops I worked with. It might not be the honor system you are used to seeing in your daily life, but the majority of them are looking for a chance to treat you right. They actually try to find a place in their personal world where they can give you room to be yourself and not start trouble. They got their odd sense of social order from being arrested and abused; almost none of them started out that way. I could show you the documentation which explains how the justice system was designed to create misery first and make a mockery of justice, but you wouldn’t believe it. But if you care to search for the planning behind our current American prison system, you’d know it had nothing to do with keeping good social order and citizen safety. It’s about money, vast amounts of money and power.
I’ve worked both sides of the system. I’ve worked among the cops and I’ve performed services for prisoners as a civilian. The vast majority of those in prison do not belong there. That is according to God’s revealed standards of justice. The breakdown began well before anyone currently alive. There is nothing useful we can do now except sit back and watch, because this whole thing has been coming apart for a long time. You ain’t seen nothing yet.

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