(To my subscribers, my human side apologizes for the excessive posting of the past few days. You can always unsubscribe, but I cannot simply disconnect from the driving spiritual force which calls me to prophesy.)
During the ministries of Isaiah and Jeremiah, the leading minds of the Judean people were convinced they had God over a barrel. He couldn’t allow attackers to harm the Holy City because He would lose His house. They reckoned He wouldn’t allow that. Instead, He sent Babylon to dismantle the house and burn the whole city down. His prophets warned the people, but they refused to listen.
So we find Western Christianity, and American churches in particular, in the same place. It’s Babylon and the Exile all over again and it’s just getting started. The wrath of Almighty God is falling even now on the various organizations of mainstream Christian religion in the West. They’ll be convinced it’s religious persecution and make themselves out to be martyrs, but that’s an arrogant self-deception. It makes more money for their profligate expense accounts and buys them more fame. As with Judah and her leadership, the Lord has empowered the enemies of the church to crush the organization because the people have gone after other gods.
Naturally, all of this is parabolic expression. By the time Jesus made His debut in public ministry, His own nation had ceased to understand God, to the point they had made a deity of their corrupted understanding of Him and His revelation. If He were to come today, He would find the same situation in respect to those who claim His name. Today’s churches would not recognize Him as the Savior, because they would reject His message, asserting they have it all figured out.
By no means do I suggest He can’t use Christians to get His message out. People are still finding spiritual birth, still confessing Christ as their Savior, and most of it comes in connection with the activities of professing Christians. However, the souls being reborn in Christ do so today in spite of mainstream Christianity. God will not allow the lies to bury His truth completely. Satan can’t touch your reborn soul, but he can destroy your witness. God won’t allow His call to salvation to disappear, but He also won’t prevent Satan robbing Christians of their divine heritage on this earth, if they choose to let him take it. That part of the package is what we fight for and it is what Western Christianity has surrendered long ago.
So we have two major flaws braided together. First, the churches are utterly mistaken about how grace works, imagining somehow it requires their activity for God to save souls. Second, the churches somehow imagine the point of all this is to change this world, when Christ said in no uncertain terms He had no such intention.
God does not need us. He breathes spiritual life into dead spirits at His whim, making it a point not to even try explaining it to us. We have attempted to package this with our very badly broken human intellect and there is a vast lore of false understanding which has crept into the message of the church. It’s not the words, but the pool of meaning, the baggage which comes with those words. That the church cannot see this as a problem is a part of the problem. It’s a catch-22. Had not Christ Himself invaded the churches as a non-member, they would have been utterly useless to Him. As it now stands, the church is aiding and comforting the Enemy, betraying everything Christ came to do. So God saves souls because that’s what He does, despite the churches.
The resources to track down the details and name names are not in my reach, but I do see the trail of damage and recognize something of how we got here. This crap started before Christ came, so no one should be surprised to see it’s still around today. Fundamentally, the error of Western Christianity is the same error as the Pharisees and their ilk. It’s the same thing the Judaizers and Gnostics were doing during the ministry of the last Apostles, shredding the very fabric of what allows humans to cling to the grace of God and live Christ’s message. The evil motives which fired those ancient threats to the churches Paul and his friends planted are the same ones in action today. Someone somewhere knew they were keeping Western Christians off track and did so with a will.
Yet, in every generation people have been called to the truth. Some of them serve in academia, some in other forms of leadership, but all of them have seen the truth. If they speak it, the evil schemers find ways to silence the message. The barrier of silence is huge and thick. But the truth is available, painfully obvious to anyone who chooses to listen to the Spirit of Christ. Today’s Christian leadership remains fully culpable. If they wanted to know, they could. The most I can do is point that out. I have no leverage, no means to backing people into a corner and forcing them to make a conscious choice. That part belongs to God.
However, my part in this is to warn, to ensure there is no excuse when God’s wrath falls on those who claim His Son today, particularly here in America. You, Christians and leaders, you do know, or could know, and there will be no excuse for you in the coming days. Many of you will be crushed and you will never understand why. Worse, you will bear in your conscience the guilt of having denied those less able to understand, not called to understand anything you don’t tell them. As shepherds of souls, your guilt is multiplied.
Turn away from the sins of Western Civilization and the intellectual foundations built on sand. Return to the Ancient Hebrew way of thinking and understanding this fallen world. If you do not, you guarantee an ocean of wrath which may well destroy the faith of countless millions.
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