The things we fear most are hard-wired into our civilization.
Here in the US, there are a handful of hot-button issues that can be guaranteed to elicit much wailing and gnashing of teeth at the mere mention. I’ve dealt with some of those in the past, such as child sexual molestation. So long as we are materialistic and worship youth, there is no way to escape pedophilia and child molestation. It’s built in. The very panic reaction is symptom of precisely the same underlying cause. If we weren’t so panicky about it, the acts would happen far less often.
For this post I’m going to pick on bullying. Everyone recognizes how wrong it is. Almost everyone has done it at some time in their life. Almost every political activist is guilty of bullying. If you don’t see that, you have no clue to the definition of the term.
Again, it starts with the fundamental Western assumption of a unitary reality. This is blasphemous, but no one wants to poke around at the foundations of Western Civilization to see that. They just assume Western Civ is manifestly superior and refuse to think about it. Folks, this reality is temporary; it’s fake and it’s broken. God said so. But because the West assumes unconsciously this reality is all there is, the only possible result is materialism. Say what you want, but your Western gut reaction is to consider this life precious. In the Bible, all the way up to the last published portion of the canon, this was bluntly denied. The West is inherently anti-Christian.
Feminism lends itself extremely well to materialism. Since women are hard-wired by God to follow that nesting instinct, the only question is what she considers her “nest.” Because of the Fall, women get this pretty mixed up; our Western culture amplifies the worst of this. Women with little or no spiritual awareness are viciously materialistic as the fundamental definition of maternalism in our civilization. Correct the false assumption of a unitary reality, add in a sense of eternal aspirations, and feminism dies. It’s replaced by a mature and sensible feminine aspiration to make this sorry life more bearable for everyone in reach.
Western thinking drives you to live all your “should-have-done” thoughts through your children. We call it “smothering” versus mothering. It rears its ugly head most prominently in the middle classes, where materialism is about as bad as it gets. So when a kid gets roughed up, we get all these horrific calls for rules and laws to change things. What no one is permitted to notice is how such regulation inevitably makes it harder for everyone to breathe. It’s the same burdensome stupidity we see in the so-called “political correctness” observations. There is no possible way to change the rules without making things worse.
Simple social pressure would be fine, if it was aimed at the real problem. It is not. The real problem is kids are not taught to be thick-skinned. It never occurs to us because the whole concept is virtually missing in human development studies connected to childhood education. Kids who live in a household that doesn’t take themselves nor this life too seriously produce children phenomenally more mature than just about every person living under Western Civilization. Jesus was like that. We can’t imagine it in our American life.
Want to stop bullying? Teach your children not to care, and the bullies will seek other targets — very quickly. Teach them to expect humans to be shitty, because they are. You’d be amazed at how early kids can pick up on this kind of mindset. Smother them and they will never cease whining, even as adults.
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Though I agree with the central ideas here, there are some forms of bullying which just can’t be cured by being thick-skinned. Incessant torturous bullying does exist, and it will effect even the thickest-skinned person. Thicker skins of course won’t see as much impact, but it can still make life hellish. Even if you show no reaction because of your thick skin, you still have to duck or flinch at the thrown objects you didn’t know were coming, and sometimes that’s enough to keep the bullies going. That’s not to say that the actions we take should be any different, just that you can’t blame it -all- on not being thick-skinned, just most of it 😀
One of my homechurch families is a model of spirituality for me. They have trained their children very well. I was in a conversation between an older sister and a younger (perhaps 13) and the elder said something about X thing being annoying. The younger mis-heard X as ‘you,’ and took it in stride with a response like, “Yes, I am rather annoying, aren’t I? I do love Y and Z and how ….” Didn’t break her stride at all. Even though calling someone annoying would have been extremely out of character and rude for the people involved!
Quite so; there are limits to what thick-skinned can do. My post was aimed at those who never tried the minimum.