Heed now the Word of the Lord.
Search the Scriptures and they will tell you the same thing. If you read the Bible through the lenses of Western man’s reasoning, you will miss the most important stuff. If you believe the US Constitution in any way reflects God’s Justice, you are too blind to tie your own shoes. All the greatest minds of men have devised what only man might do when things are at their best. They assume mankind is not fallen.
So here’s the real deal: Do not depend on the First Amendment. Don’t even make reference to it. It’s not a question of some imaginary God-given right. It’s a question of God’s calling on your life and His power to back His Word and Spirit in you. If God calls you to speak, then speak and He will defend and enforce His Justice His way.
Do not depend on the Second Amendment. Don’t even make reference to it. It’s not a question of some imaginary God-given right. It’s a question of God’s calling on your life and His power to back His Word and Spirit in you. For some of you, it’s a God-given mandate to have the means to kill other humans. That’s because His mission may include the necessity of defending someone who cannot defend themselves, among other contingencies in this fallen world.
Do not depend on man to uphold God’s justice, much less man’s justice. Even laws of men require a depth of knowledge and commitment to principle you aren’t likely to find in one out a hundred law enforcement agents. It requires them to remain in hovering attendance on your location at all times. Your rights do not exist except on paper and in human imagination. Your God and His Justice reigns over all Creation.
Learn the Laws of God and walk in them. Learn them according to the ancient Hebrew intellectual assumptions in which they were revealed. Everything else you do is mere tactics and strategy.
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