Very soon people will discover just how completely we are hard-wired to live in a tribal setting and why.
I wasn’t born into the middle class. My parents thought we had arrived when we finally had a middle class income, but were never accepted by that ilk because we didn’t have the habits of mind and the reflexes. Thank God. It was a bitter experience, but made it easy for me to walk away from the American middle class materialist dream and embrace the call of God to become a life-long nomad. For Israel, the Perean Wilderness became the divine boot camp, teaching them to live with nearly nothing, owning nothing and not caring too much because God supplies.
Part of my family belongs to the educated lower class. I’m not much for class struggle, but the biggest blot on Church History in recent times is the attempt to “tame” the wild Ancient Near Eastern Christianity and make it a creature of the Enlightenment merchant class, from which the American middle class arose. Even when you can explain it in great detail the middle class folks understand it intellectually, their hearts are still trapped in that land of Never Was and Never Could Be. They confuse uncivilized with differently civilized.
God called me as a pastoral prophet. I’m not Moses and I don’t have all the answers from God, but I do know the sheeple are staring disaster in the face. Many of them will be lost and a surprisingly large number will die. They keep insisting God and His Creation are something they could it never be. They keep insisting the Laws of God are something different from what He revealed and that by obeying their mythological version they will force God to make things happen as they expect. They keep calling on God with their name-it and claim-it.
I hate writing this, but it’s utterly necessary. Some people already get it, but the sheeple need a much simpler nudge in the right direction. I sincerely hope some few survive. This is for them.
Try to imagine a disaster strikes your area. Homes destroyed, utilities cut off, etc. So it’s just temporary. Maybe you are prepared. Maybe you have your bug-out bag and necessities, you and each member of your household.
But you are caught and herded into some huge centrally located rescue facility. You share this place with large numbers of people, some who don’t quite share your sense of morals and ethics. I’m sure you can recall all the times you were wheedled and harassed about something you had and others demanded you share it. There are whole tribes of people out there who are sincerely convinced you owe them your very existence and that you got what you have on their backs. Even when it is painfully obvious you don’t have enough to share, you’ll be pressured with all sorts of moralizing demands that you give it up. Imagine being in a crowded open prison facility, as it were, with a lot of folks who, when they do that to you, would be acting nice. Plenty are willing to band together and simply take what you have.
1. Know your weaknesses. If you happen to be middle class white Americans, you need to get rid of that false guilt unless you are willing to lose everything. The spiritual answer to this is knowing what God has placed in your hands and what He wants you to give. Don’t give out of false guilt, but of necessity to please God. As a corollary, learn what you truly must have to live and what you can afford to surrender and when. If you don’t get this straight now, you won’t be able to serve Him. People who have never experienced living in adversity and poverty have a really tough time with this.
2. Learn measured violence. Chances are you’ll use violence in the wrong way and at the wrong time. Unless you know your calling from God makes you willing to lose everything and not be concerned, you need to learn when to draw the lines and enforce them clearly and early. Israel at the Conquest was generous and friendly, but they knew their mission from God meant killing people; they knew God’s Laws about it. Maybe you don’t have a hard time turning away the thug who wants to borrow your daughter’s body, but for way too many things it is simply not that clear cut. Some things really aren’t worth fighting for, but if you don’t know the difference, you better be ready for a level of misery and sorrow that you can’t imagine. Learn the biblical concept that context is everything.
3. Make plans. The moment you become aware of official government efforts to corral people, make haste to go in the other direction. If you have swim through sewage, don’t let them put you in their Red Cross prison unless God wants you to go. Here’s a hint: If the charitable institution has government permission to operate, they are forced to act by government rules. Unless the rescue shelter is firmly under local control, stay away. With few exceptions, government officials are uniformly heartless, hateful and vicious about control.
All of this is bluntly contrary to the average cultural expectations of middle class American sheeple. If you happen to know something about Game, you have some hope of unlearning this evil social orthodoxy. Whatever cultural baggage you are carrying probably was not developed and designed to fit in the circumstances you are likely to face starting this year.
You won’t make it alone. If you don’t cultivate an ability to identify and join a like-minded tribe, you might as well prepare to die. There’s nothing wrong with that if you feel led by the Spirit, but don’t be a fool in thinking it can’t happen to you.
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I, too, was blessed to have a background which precluded developing middle class sensibilities. And His providence allowed me to avoid the desire for middle class trappings that most of my family long for. I sincerely hope that whatever tribulations He has in store for me and my family don’t involve moving, at least not for a bit. I’ve been a nomad all my life and I had been looking to the next few years as a time of healing. Though I understand this will be used to make us lean more on him for healing and peace and whatnot. I just feel like a sled dog who finally got to lay down in the snow for a bit, and then before you know it it’s back to the race 😀
Perhaps because of my background? I am plagued with dreams about getting prepared for fleeing and tribulations. Over time, very frugally, I have accumulated things such as cots and other supplies which will allow us to host people who can no longer stay in their own homes.
Wise preparations. Nomad is a state of the heart regardless of the context, of course.