Crisis Feint

The recent noise about budget sequestration was just that: noise. The real danger lurks off the MSM news studio screens.
It’s not as if we aren’t having a real crisis, but the story about budget cuts was pure hype. Everything Obama said would happen was a lie, a flat out lie that he knew as false. Yes, Obama is evil, but that’s no surprise. Almost the entire federal bureaucracy is evil. They lie to us and their lies are harmful, promoting their own interests as humans. And wherever you see the lies parroted, regardless of the credibility of the source, mark them as liars. You can find plenty of people in the alternative press, blogs and so forth, crying about how bad it will be when the budget cuts start hitting.
Fact: This business of an $85 million budget cut is actually a reduction in budget increase. The federal budget is still bigger than before, has actually grown a bit despite this sequestering. So here we are a few days into sequestration and nothing has changed. That is, the program reductions are pure theatrics, because the money they wanted for things they dare not tell us about has been pulled from stuff we are likely to notice. It’s called the Washington Monument Syndrome.
Meanwhile, DHS has just purchased more than a hundred MRAP armored trucks, to go with several million rounds of ammunition that is never used in mere target practice because it’s way too expensive for that. Yes, the federal government is preparing for social instability and making sure they have the means to shoot a lot of us. (Update: Make that 2717 MRAP armored trucks.)
Let’s understand something: The entire US economy is artificial. With the exception of a relative tiny handful of folks pulling the strings, everyone plugged into the financial system has no idea what’s on the other end of that cord. They know what they’ve been told, but only a little research is needed to discover it’s all a big lie. No one in the US government has much say in the economy. Congress is permitted to make minor decisions about how the manipulation may benefit them personally, but the fundamentals are controlled by a shadowy banking elite. Most of what we experience is pretty much under their management. It has been rigged for about the past century. The whole idea has been for the plutocrats to scrape off an escalating percentage of our national productivity without it being noticed. Most of what we thought was prosperity was merely the artificial means of keeping us engaged productively.
These things can work only so long before people start figuring it out. Every horrific thing they want to do to us has been leaked, because that’s how God operates. Throughout history, God has always steered human events to insure sin is uncovered sooner or later. While the Internet has played a part, it was actually a rather late addition to what was already going on by other means. As awareness has increased over the past century, the system for scalping us has been weakened. Thus, the plutocrats plan to bring it all down at some moment to their greatest advantage.
(Never mind; this turned out to be a very unreliable story filtered through ostensibly trustworthy fronts.)By the way, there is an odd collection of recent moves, in which the old generation of plutocrats have been pulling out of the system. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, but if you ignore the official propaganda regarding why, you see a large number of financial blue-bloods have withdrawn. For example, a significant figure in the Rothschilds family has recently set up quarters in Fiji. A bunch of high level management is bailing out of their own companies’ stocks. Several royal families are passing the crown all at once. Massive hoards of precious metals and other assets are being moved. These things seldom come together randomly in such density.
If and when the US economy goes into official crisis, it will be wholly manufactured, utterly fake. The consequences and blowback will be entirely too real, but what’s behind it is scripted in a certain sense. However, these are mere humans, subject to serious miscalculations. Not all of those who pull the levers are working from the same agenda. Things should be quite entertaining if you don’t take it too seriously.
Wise as serpents and harmless as doves — we aren’t supposed to take this world and its concerns too seriously. Sure, it will be painful, but that’s the reality of life after the Fall. It’s not as pleasant as say, a dream where Taylor Swift is courting me, but it’s just about as real in terms of what matters. Fundamental to the morality of being spiritually awakened is we don’t judge those still asleep, since we have no way to change their situation any more than they do. Paul said they can’t even want it until God touches them. All we can do is offer the truth; if it sounds like madness, we take no offense at their mocking laughter. We don’t have time for that. We are too busy serving the Living Truth. If they slander Him and blaspheme His name, we know He will handle it.
Yeah, I’m a nut. Don’t trust me.

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