I’m a prepper.
Every day I get down on my knees and ask God if He still needs me here or if I need to prepare to go Home. Neither prosperity nor even survival is a worthy goal in this fallen world. Death is merely a circumstance in the Kingdom of Heaven. I’m prepared to jump at God’s command. If I don’t sense any particular command, I’m prepared to act on the Laws of God as best I understand them. Every other approach to the question is evil.
The first item on my prepper’s list is to dismiss this world and its cares. This world continues as it does for only one reason that I need to worry about: God isn’t ready to destroy it all just yet. His glory is not yet fulfilled and that means I still have work to do in promoting His reputation. In the process of chasing down His glory, all the means and methods will be revealed.
The starting place for the means and methods is the Law of God. Not the particulars, but the underlying assumptions of what it says about how things in this broken world work. That is, I study to see the underlying theme of how God plans to react to human activity. In particular, I focus on the moral implications as God revealed them. There is a vast ocean of work necessary for anyone who reads this, because if you read and write English, chances are you think in a certain frame of reference that is all wrong. Chances are you are thinking in a fundamentally Aristotelian fashion with a fat layer of Germanic tribal mythology, all summed up in the Enlightenment and whatever has followed it. God’s Laws were written in an Ancient Near Eastern frame of reference, so completely different it makes you an alien.
If you think like an average Westerner, you are alien to God’s Laws. I don’t care if you have a PhD in Theology; you don’t know squat if you can’t think like an ancient Hebrew. If you start moving over into that Hebrew mode of thought, you’ll be alien to the world in which you live.
This leaves us with a large overlap of shared concerns with folks who think in terms of surviving the coming bad times. We share some of those expectations that, not just America, but most governments in the world are currently moving toward a very repressive police-state mode. Some of the methods for facing the bad times are applicable to both, but for the most part, their goals are not as mine. I’m ready to bug out, but I hardly expect bugging out will meet my requirements from God in the majority of probable events. Escape, evasion and survival are not goals, but means to a greater end. It is highly unlikely they are God’s plan for me.
Yeah, bad times are surely coming for just about anyone who is likely to read this. Whatever it is we are all experiencing now is just the beginning of sorrows. It’s not the End of the World, but it might be the end of you. If you aren’t comfortable with that, make some changes.
Don’t buy into my package nor anyone else’s. Get you own.
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