One more time: I am wholly non-partisan about American politics. No existing party, pressure group or agenda represents me. God spoke with finality on the Cross: No human political process can ever claim to work His will. Damn them all because this world is damned and human political processes belong to this fallen world.
Once or twice someone asked to be my friend on Facebook only to spew partisan propaganda for one side or another. It was intellectual dishonesty; they had no honest motive, just wanted to play sniper. Stupid people. I don’t do liberal or conservative. I don’t mind addressing specific issues, but I always spin them according to my best understanding of God’s Laws. I may tolerate a few posts that I don’t agree with, but I won’t hit that “Like” unless I actually find it consistent with God’s Justice. I’m willing to explain it all day long, but I don’t do debate. Debate assumes there is no God; it assumes there is something called “objective truth,” which is a notion arising from an epistemology that excludes divine revelation. So I won’t allow anyone to clutter my Facebook page with partisan crap.
It’s the same as the reason for having a blog: I’m here to prophesy of what I see from my encounter with God. If Facebook can’t serve as a pulpit, nothing else it can do for me matters. I don’t mind friendly chatter, but to be on-topic always means discussing God’s revelation. Nothing else matters. Let’s compare notes, but changing hearts and minds is above both our pay grades. I’ll even accept jeering so long as you stay on topic.
So if people want to discuss this economic meltdown, I’m not engaging partisan motto splattering. If you suggest I am obliged to support the current regime, may God judge you for your evil heart. If you refuse to notice “we the people” have had no real say in things for the past 100 years, then don’t expect me to listen to your rant. It really goes back before that, but I can at least nail down the establishment of the Federal Reserve as a coup d’etat. As long as you ignore historical fact, your noise means nothing. At a very minimum, the loss of control over currency was the end of our republic. Everything since that time has been pure charade.
That was a coup of a government already far from what God intended, but I don’t expect very many people to even comprehend. In the words of a far more famous blogger, “I don’t expect you to agree with me; I don’t even expect you to understand.” Even that famous blogger refuses to engage the most fundamental question of epistemology, so we are on different planets. If you can’t discuss things with me from the Ancient Hebrew intellectual assumptions, I can’t avoid being just a little condescending. That’s when I remember I’m a shepherd doing what little I can to guide the sheeple to safe pasture. That’s when I follow the model laid out in Psalm 23 and work with my God as His undershepherd, helping the people who follow His voice. I don’t pretend to understand it all.
Yes, it’s more complicated than any of us knows.
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