Mysticism offers a very powerful weapon against evil.
Yes, I do blather on at length about mysticism and clinging to the realm above. I also blather a lot about the Laws of God having tremendous power on this realm below. We do the latter to draw attention to the former.
My mysticism says one of the greatest threats is the concerted effort to divide us. That is, to keep us stirred up and fighting over the things we can’t let go. Don’t you see? Activism is the Devil’s ploy to keep you focused on the wrong things.
Example: I preach homosexual relations are a sin. Bible says so. But that cannot justify any sort of activism harassing gays. They are still people, some of whom claim to follow their own calling with God. Am I so perfectly clean I have to hammer them on something like that? What do they have to compromise to accept me? So if they ask, I’ll tell them where I stand. Until then, we each do what we know best from God’s hand and mind our own business. If they can handle that, so can I.
Looking for a fight is not God’s way. That’s what serves the Devil’s purposes. It’s the Devil who wants us all stirred up and fighting each other. That keeps us focused on things God won’t bless. I have no earthly authority from God to compel any man’s thoughts or behaviors. No man on this earth has any authority to demand I conform to things God says are wrong for me. That leaves an awful lot of room to cooperate.
And if you choke on this, it’s not my problem.
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Am I correct in assuming that you are not talking here about protecting the weak from oppressors? People being gunned down or starved or aborted?
Political activism is presuming authority you do not have. Doing what you can to relieve suffering is something you have to work out with God, and it assumes you will try to do something, but also assumes you’ll work on trying to understand the greater context of your calling. The issue has nothing to do with effectiveness or futility, but hearing and obeying the call. In general terms, you can be sure I’d use my skills and experience to reduce bloodshed in an emergency. However, I would do that within the sense of what God demands of me. By the same token, I would never criticize you for doing stuff that does not move me. We cannot possibly think alike on everything.
Thanks for your answer; that makes a lot of sense. It also helps me understand an issue where one Christian criticizes another about his methods. The first feels that is what God I calling him to do, so effectiveness doesn’t matter–God handles that part. With your help I can reframe a lot of those kinds of debates. I’ve been internalizing the lesson of letting God be responsible for the outcome, as long as you are faithful.
Thanks for finally writing about >Non-Political Unity |
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