In the Bible, assassination as a tool of politics is not a sin.
It’s hard to say what brings someone into the limelight as a leader. We all recognize charisma when we see it, but efforts to define and quantify it always come up short. We tend to think we know how to create a false charisma effect in politics, but there hasn’t been too many JFKs. Isn’t it odd how his brother Robert seemed to have somewhat less of it, and Teddy almost none of it? Never mind what any of them actually accomplished or whether you like their politics. Reagan had some charisma and Clinton squandered his. If not in marital terms, almost every political figure of any consequence we’ve had in the last century was involved in some kind of secret sin. Charisma can cover a multitude of sins. Obama is an example of working night and day to manufacture charisma artificially. At some point, it comes apart.
Reagan was fluke. He was shot, and there’s nothing at all to indicate it was anything more than a lone nut inspired by a silly movie. The weapon of choice could have been deadly, but not the way Hinckley used it. He really needed a bigger caliber for the job. He was deluded in many ways. Yet, the really memorable assassinations were not the work of lone nuts, despite all the propaganda to the contrary. The difference is the results; the conspiracies came off very effectively.
Rothbard points out how the establishment thugs are never shot. I tend to disagree with the idea that the establishment is center-right. It’s more subtle than that; at least it is now. It’s more like a fascist left. Fascism is built on top of socialism, not capitalism. The Nazi Party was socialist — “National Socialist Party” is the proper English translation. Here in America, peel back the lying rhetoric and you’ll see Big Business has always been socialist because it’s easier to profit from government contracts for mandated social programs than it is to compete in the open market.
The fascist oligarchs are not completely amorphous, but it works out that way in practice. You and I don’t get to see their internal rivalries; what we see are their fingerprints. They only go after those who challenge their power and profit. JFK had some real power with the people; his peccadilloes didn’t get him in trouble. We know he proposed some things that challenged the fascists. His brother supported his policies and met the same end.
Other people had the power, but didn’t quite get the chance to take any office, whether government or otherwise. Thus, MLK was shot, but nobody is threatened by Jesse Jackson — he works with the oligarchs and simply takes his cut as the price for keeping MLK dead, as it were. What you and I may believe is good politics has nothing to do with it. Almost everything that has been a point of major popular contention has been fake, a red herring. It won’t matter what flavor your challenge is; if you threaten the oligarchs, they’ll kill you.
If we really did have lone nuts assassinating people, a lot more big shots would get shot. Think about all the public figures who have been so utterly hostile to the public interest, open dismissive of what so obviously is the will of the people. Nobody has shot many of them because they belong to the oligarchs. Lone nuts are exceedingly rare, and virtually never do anything that changes the political outcome.
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