The repercussions of the Fall reach far and wide.
If you met me in person, you might not enjoy my company. I have strange habits and my motivations perplex almost anyone deeply infected with Western reasoning. It’s quite possible my best friends in cyberspace are people I couldn’t bear very long in meat space. Liking my blog hardly means you’d want to be a Facebook friend. There is nothing wrong with enjoying my work here but otherwise having zero interest in me as a person.
Often enough we are annoyed at our own weaknesses. To be annoyed by other humans and their foibles is simply expected. Only if you suffer under some evil mythology would you presume to vanquish human nature. Some issues are simply not within range of human power, and we are not evolving to anything higher. This plane of existence is just temporary.
Meanwhile, you shouldn’t take your own revulsions that seriously. Learn them so you can be reasonable with people who get on your nerves. Know what you can’t tolerate. This is critical in recognizing that friendship is not holy and sacred. Like marriage, it is one of the few things God granted to all humanity as some measure of mercy. It serves only to whet our appetites for something beyond this life.
By the same token, that someone annoys you does not make them evil. It’s not as if they singled you out and chose intentionally to get on your nerves. There are precious few people like that; most of the world never gave you a thought in the first place. Don’t be like them. People are people, and so you are. You have limits and God is not going to demand you do something He didn’t give you the ability to handle. He’s not angry or embarrassed that there are others in this world you encounter that you cannot help nor bear their presence. Rest assured; He has placed someone else on this earth to take care of them.
We can be friends or not, and it really doesn’t affect my positive regard for you as a fellow human. It’s easy enough to move off my radar completely; I will give you plenty of room. Social stability does not depend on us liking each other. Tolerance in some measure is enough. Deal with things you can’t change, and that includes most of what you encounter in the human race.
If I annoy you, avoid me. It’s that simple. You can be sure I’ll return the favor so much as I sense the need.
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