Defined by Morality

Morality and Justice are the roughly equivalent terms in the Kingdom of God.
It is the divine imperative, not in the sense so much of laws as a divine gift from God. He offers to fallen mankind the opportunity to embrace a life that is consistent with the design of Creation. It is not a bunch of rules we have to follow in order to stay out of trouble with God. It’s much more far reaching than that. It’s the mindset necessary to avoid His wrath, to ameliorate the effects of the Fall. Living by God’s Laws embraces reality as God sees it. The viewpoint of morality is reality.
As noted in the previous post, morality includes the requirement we adopt an Ancient Hebrew Mystical intellectual approach. Without that, morality simply is not possible. So long as you remain within the Western rational frame of reference, you cannot have a moral life, and you cannot understand reality. So radical is this demand, we immediately realize God will not in any way permit “saving America” because repentance means rejecting America by any definition. God is all about saving Americans, though. Here are some critical demands of His Justice for us. They are not rules and absolutes, but the entire frame of reference is that you are committed to seeking adherence to the degree God makes it possible. If you seek His Justice, He’ll make provisions for a measure of obedience that will harvest His promised blessings.
By no means do we actually give any allegiance to any human government, but we don’t fight them, either. We seek ways to stay out of trouble, living in peace with the damned governments of men. As far as God is concerned, living in His sacrificial love is all the Law you need to worry about. That is your entire duty to human governments; if you embrace His Laws, He demands nothing more of you in relation to human governments. Again, all of this means you seek His guidance in the Spirit, trying to understand His justice from a viewpoint higher than intellect, harnessing the mind in service to the spirit.
To the degree possible, you’ll resurrect the ancient Hebrew tribal lifestyle. That is, you are transferring your political loyalty to your extended family and clan. While it would ideally be blood kinship, the Kingdom of Heaven is more a matter of shared spiritual DNA. He calls us together into family groups He calls “churches.” Your church is your earthly government, your extended family household. The organization is patriarchy, with a ritual leader (pastor) and an organizational leader (elder) with neither over the other, but cooperatively leading all the rest of the church together as co-shepherds. They are the church equivalent of Two Witnesses, king and priest. Any other style of church organization is evil, and registering with the human civil government is almost surely a huge mistake.
Only those who produce agricultural products tithe. Everyone else contributes as they feel led by the Spirit of God. The church leadership decides how the resources are used. There are no budgets or organizational plans, no objectives defined on paper. It’s not a business or corporation; it’s a family. The organization exists only to be a family of faith, learning how to leave this world behind and care more about Heaven. We live here only so long as it takes to complete our individual callings to bring Christ glory. We do that by living together as a family and implementing His Justice in our own lives.
To the degree possible, the church seeks to form a separate society within the fallen world. The primary means to growth is letting others see how we just don’t care that much about this world in the first place. We can afford to love sacrificially according to the guidance of the Spirit. Whom the Lord moves will surely join us. We don’t harass people or offer some logical sales pitch; we don’t manipulate people into “decisions” because no human can decide to be born again. It is 100% a miracle of God alone. Our only part is to show His power over this world by how we live according to His moral imperatives.
Human relations are pretty much according to Game. I’ve written enough about that here. Embrace what men and women are supposed to be and the details will generally take care of themselves. Game as a branch of behavioral science answers just about all the basic questions of how we were meant to live together as humans. The principles can be abused, as can almost the entire range of moral truth, but this is reality, morality and justice. It’s a description of how we are wired and God commands we discard the mythology of the West.
We are neither conservative nor liberal. We follow ancient truth, a truth that takes a different shape depending on the context. We don’t flaunt our flesh; we don’t waste resources on decorating this body. A clear heart and mind will see beauty as God intended it. Ostentation is evil; artful use of resources is godly. We lavish time and effort; we engage this world directly. We don’t hire outside help unless it’s absolutely necessary to keep peace with those outside the church. Everything is private as much as possible; that is our witness. Our single greatest expense will always be people and their human needs within the body. We spare precious little concern for what the world demands in order to take us seriously. We should have no desire to be like them. Excessive displays of flesh — both literal and figurative — should make us uncomfortable. “More spiritual” means less fleshly and worldly, not more cerebral, because the intellect is fallen flesh.
We fear nothing arising from this world; human death is just a circumstance in the Kingdom of God. We choose it voluntarily by discounting what this world holds as important. There is no human flaw, disease or problem God cannot heal. By the same token, no sorrow or difficulty is so great He can’t empower us to live with it. Satan and his demons are confined by the Laws of God. When you and I live in moral justice, their power in our lives is diminished. God does not offer a “get out of jail free” card when it comes to the sorrow and suffering of this life, but offers us a moral understanding that trumps it all. The first miracle is we stop caring about it. When all this plane of existence, including your entire range of human resources, is for you merely a collection of tools for His glory, then you understand. If you are not otherworldly, you are too worldly.
Grab hold of these things and you’ll be so very far ahead of everyone else in America, you’ll be amazed at the immense difference it makes. You’ll stand in God’s favor and the sense of peace is impossible to describe. But be warned: If this thing does not call your name, you can’t do it. If it does call your name, all of it is well within your reach.

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