Yes! Means “NO”

Update: Corporate management contacted me and was concerned enough to explain stuff that had not been too well explained locally. So maybe the local manager will be alerted to the discomfort we have here and try to work out the kinks. If things improve a bit, maybe I can write a letter of praise the next time. (Original post follows below.)
Open Letter to Yes Communities Corporate Management:

Re: Timberland Mobile Home Park, Choctaw, OK

Your management style leads me to believe your corporate leadership are psychopaths.

Perhaps a little public embarrassment will work. God knows, letters, calls and emails have proven pointless. People who do a little research will find at various consumer complaint sites that you do answer, but it’s always with about as much friendliness and humanity as HAL 9000 in 2001: A Space Odyssey. In other words, you have no problem with highly specific complaints, but you totally ignore broader and more generalized issues which require a more subtle and thoughtful response.

When my family first moved here some years ago, we felt the community vibes. The manager lived here, as did some of the maintenance staff. A significant portion of the residents were highly engaged in community relations amongst each other and the staff. We were all family. You folks killed that. Given what I’ve seen from the way you respond to the concerns of residents, I would contend you did it with malice aforethought. I contend you set out to destroy the family atmosphere in hopes you could get away with nickle-and-diming us to death.

We know you bought this place to make a profit somehow. Fine; most of us understand that. In fact, you’d be amazed how many of us hope you do make a decent profit. We would even volunteer our time and skills to make it happen, but you’ve done your darnedest not to even know about that. Who is the park manager this month? I can’t keep track. We don’t even know who it is, and they sure as heck don’t know a darn thing about us. From what I’ve observed, they don’t want to know about us, and have studiously avoided engaging us in any way. That’s just like the last two or three. Is it the case where you keep them too busy handing down ogrish and hateful demands to us nobodies?

If you folks bothered to engage us in solving some of your expenses around here, you might be surprised at our willingness to work with you. I suppose you still could, but right now I’m hearing from a lot of my fellow residents how they utterly despise everyone one of you. Is the concept of accountability to rent-payers foreign to you? You have the park manager drop on our doorsteps ominous edicts of how you plan to sock us for every dollar you can imagine we might have left in our pockets during these bad economic times. The latest atrocity is your plans to hammer us with fines in an attempt to micromanage our lives.

We hate you because your actions lead us to believe you hate us. You drew first blood and haven’t stopped squeezing us since. Given how pressed we all are, you should not be surprised when we start biting back. I understand you were slapped by the EPA recently when a resident notified them of some mismanagement over the water supply. I’m pretty sure that water-meter business is retribution for daring to suggest you weren’t the greatest thing that ever happened in our lives. Don’t be surprised if this war escalates. We are all convinced you really do relish the idea of hurting us.

I’m doing my best to find another place to live as soon as possible.

Ed Hurst, #55

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