I am more grateful than words can describe.
I’m typing this on a laptop for which I traded something I had but couldn’t use. The guy has given me other gifts for helping him with his ministry, sort of a consultancy. Sometimes people donate computer stuff or other useful things. Sometimes they give me money to support the computer ministry.
For the first time today I got a donation on the basis of my online pastoral ministry. It came in a nice card with a promise to make it a regular support offering. My readers know that I’ve never solicited any donations (aside from asking for help finding some software) and my computer clients already know I’ll work for the sheer joy of it. That’s how I do things. I’ve never felt comfortable charging money for anything, and I have managed to avoid it for a good long time. I simply make it possible to donate without raising the issue. While the resources are available, I’ll keep doing what I do.
I suppose if I had to visit the local county library and post from the free computers, I would. I do this because I must. I’m driven. Making a big deal of the offerings would only cheapen their meaning. The Kingdom of Heaven runs on sacrifice; it’s a gift economy. Freely sharing resources is a reflection of His glory.
I’m still not asking for donations, but I wanted folks to know I take this pastoral ministry seriously. I am totally serious about keeping it rooted online. If you can read this post, you are provisionally a part of my parish. If you need any kind of pastoral care, it’s yours for the asking, but only what I can do online. I suppose if we were geographically close enough to each other, you could receive more direct attention, but the whole point is how unlikely that is. We are on a very narrow path right now, and precious few would have any interest in the peculiar teaching I follow. Not seeking donations is a critical part of that.
It’s not that I have no needs. Who wouldn’t find a way to use more money if they got it? Officially I’m below the poverty line, but that’s not very meaningful, to be honest. I live frugally and figure I’m doing quite well. My calling keeps things pretty simple. The Internet is my parish; this laptop is how I get around it. This blog is my ministry office. Only the actual worship requires a physical space with a physical presence, so we use my home for that. For now, this is the best we can do.
And everyone who reads these words is a supporter, one way or another. Thank you.