I Am a Tryant

So I’ve been told, at least.

The cosmic moral principles don’t change to meet your mythology. They work in all contexts, even when everyone present denies them. One of those principles deals with dominion. The concept of human rights is mythology; dominion is reality. I make a conscious effort to keep the radar turned on so I can sense when I cross over into someone else’s domain.

When I’m not in charge, I operate accordingly. I defer to the master of the domain with proper respect. I challenge dominion only when God requires it of me, which is very seldom. Most of the time I simply adopt the divine protocols for dealing with authority, as best I understand them. It works. That is, in the sense of what God’s Laws tell us we ought to expect, with all the variations we see exemplified in the Bible narrative, God blesses proper protocol.

When I am in charge, I assume it with great reluctance. I take it all as a trust from God; I observe the same protocols regardless of the various mythologies of those who enter my domain. I might be fully aware of those mythologies, but I am not accountable to God for them. I am accountable for staying on protocol with Him, and it is my duty to slap down false understandings. Give me a chance, and I’ll explain. Fight, and you’ll get hurt. I promise, because that’s what God requires of me.

There are two primary issues in my household when dealing with me. (1) Unload the emotional drama from your communications. There is plenty of room for being expressive and entertaining; I use it myself and allow it for others. However, when there is a problem, don’t come to me making demands as if I am somehow bound by your imaginary concept of rights. Ask questions and make appeals for reconsideration. Otherwise I’ll crush you. (2) Learn to take “no” for an answer.

Whining, bitching and arguing are out of line. If you are under ten years old, I might be a little more tolerant, but full adults get no slack. I would most certainly expect the same treatment for myself.

Yep, I’m a tyrant.

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