Spiritual OpSec

Terminology first: spiritual — relating to matters of the Spirit Realm; OpSec — broadly recognized as a bureaucratic acronym for Operational Security, those considerations that help to protect some operation from interference and hindrance from any source, whether internal/external, natural/artificial, etc.

We seek to promote the power and influence of the Spirit Realm over this Fallen Realm. That promotion is a sort of placeholder for promoting God’s glory. We are well acquainted with the idea that His glory shines primarily through people who live His character, as revealed in various Law Covenants. We at the Kiln of the Soul online parish discuss these things constantly, seeking to improve the obedience of our minds to the move of the Holy Spirit.

If someone needs a legitimizing statement, it’s really simple: God designed and made this universe, and hints at making a lot more outside of this universe. For Him, this universe is just a minor project on His workbench, as it were. The project is folded at the point when His glory here has ripened. Those of us committed to His glory leave here to be with Him in that other dimension, and it’s so unspeakably good, we are eager to leave. He grants us a taste of things to come via the power and presence of His Holy Spirit in us. Departure comes when He can gain no further glory from us. When we do it right, that means we have worked so long and hard that He is satisfied. When we do it wrong, it means He can’t get anything more out of us, and we are more trouble than our lives here are worth.

Don’t lose the thread there: A critical element in training our minds to serve the living Spirit He has linked into our souls is Spiritual OpSec. We have to learn to operate in such a way that counter-interests in this world are neutralized. We must not allow this world to obscure His glory. The primary field of battle is internal, because we are fallen in our human natures and whole swathes of our beings are allied to those countering interests. However, because of how the human mind works, we measure our internal conflicts in part by observing how it seems our world responds to what we say and do.

All of this is parabolic chatter to help set the tone for important lessons. You see, the world of evil has OpSec, too. If you understand the spiritual viewpoint, then you realize that the very nature of our existence here is properly characterized as a world of shadows. There is deception in virtually everything coming into your soul through the senses, and even when processed by our intellects, we discover that reason itself is deceptive. It works against us, calling us to believe the lies and deceptions, telling us this is what’s real and there is nothing beyond it.

Here’s a popular lie: “You can’t hide something that big. There are too many people involved.”

Yes, you can. It’s done every day, has been done since before I was born. The key is compartmentalization, with most of the people involved themselves deceived in various ways. It’s not very efficient because just about everyone serving in the system is occupied much of the time chasing ghosts of disinformation. Thousands of employees are living in a manufactured reality. Most people know some real secrets, but then most secrets are pure bullshit. A tiny handful of elite know the real story, or anything approaching the whole story. But then, there are multiple story narratives.

It is not certain who the ultimate elite are because quite a few groups believe they stand at the apex of all of this. As long as they get what they believe they really want, they are content to “rule.” One of the biggest lies is that there is some unique global elite at the very top of things, that they really do seek global dominance. To the degree it’s true, these “elite” are non-human. Not alien beings, as popularly asserted, but demonic beings. They are confined to this realm as subjects of Satan. There are distinct limits on them in the very nature of how Creation is designed. Satan is the only real Ruler of this World, but his authority is limited by the ultimate Ruler of All. God permits Satan a limited authority because that’s part of the Devil’s job. The Devil is God’s Lictor and Jailer and this realm of existence is the prison. It’s impossible for a human to depart from serving Satan — unless God intervenes to set that person free.

Our OpSec is run by a countering elite force: the angels of God. Don’t believe the lie that elitism is inherently evil; that’s just an excuse to keep the evil elite out of view behind the mechanisms of their rule. While it is often entertaining to search and discover various human entities secretly wielding their power and influence and gaining whatever form of profit they seek (bear in mind the Three Lusts [PDF]), it is little more than entertainment. A different effort from a different perspective yields a different discovery, sometimes the same people, but seldom the exact same plans and goals, nor the exact same profits. The point is that our divine elite is trustworthy; the human elite can’t even trust themselves.

Nor do we trust ourselves, when it comes to that, but we are conscious of it and see it as just. We know we are fallible and at war within ourselves. We drag this hulk of resisting flesh around day after day, forcing it to show the glory of God, and knowing full well the ultimate results of things really aren’t in our hands in the first place. The greatest victory is simply bringing to our conscious minds the desire to glorify God. That in itself is miracle enough, and God counts that as obedience.

We are compartmentalized by the nature of our situation. I have my calling; you have yours. We cannot possibly see the same exact picture and cannot possibly think the same thoughts. We aren’t being used and abused by someone above us keeping us deceived. We are permitted to see more than we can understand. When we surrender to the flow of the Spirit, it is most certainly the greatest possible benefit to us because His glory is just that: the greatest possible benefit to us.

So long as God grants that we have this Internet as the place to operate, it permits a very high degree of decentralized and compartmentalized operation. But instead of keeping secrets, we do all we can to reveal. Yet it remains hidden by the very fallen nature of those who work against us. I lose nothing by openly explaining it here because it remains incomprehensible to anyone spiritually dead. All we really need is some idea of how to maintain a limited control over the means of communion left to us in our virtual fellowship (the subject matter of all my computer tech support chatter).

That is our Spiritual OpSec here at Kiln of the Soul.

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One Response to Spiritual OpSec

  1. wildcucumber says:

    “We are permitted to see more than we can understand.”

    Yep. Sure feels that way.

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