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Monthly Archives: November 2014
Psalm 25
In the Hebrew intellectual traditions, what can appear free association to mere intellect is a structure in itself perceived only in the heart. This song is a Hebrew acrostic, though imperfect, perhaps because of subsequent editing. Regardless, the burden is … Continue reading
Network Civ: Games and Game
It doesn’t matter what you believe is morally right if you aren’t using it as the power to face reality. Your moral understanding has to account for reality in the first place. I agree with Dr. Helen’s analysis, as far … Continue reading
Posted in social sciences
Tagged mythology, Network Civilization, propaganda, psychology, society, western civilization
The Structure of Superstition
Western Christians are easily the most superstitious folks I know. The word “superstition” comes to us from Latin and implies a dread of the supernatural. Thus, much of Christian belief tends to be false, based on the heathen fears passed … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged ANE, civilization, culture, divine revelation, Germanic tribes, mysticism, pagan religion, philosophy, propaganda, psychology, scripture, western christians
Divine Tolerance
If you take yourself too seriously, you cannot follow Christ. Holy Cynicism is not dismissive of humanity, but of human motivations. When we keep in mind that this entire universe is a deception, locked under the Curse of the Fall, … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged cynicism, government, human nature, intellect, military, mission, mysticism, oppression, propaganda, spirituality
Not so Simple
One of the hardest things you’ll do is keep a running awareness of multiple levels. It’s not enough to be aware of the Two Realms. That’s merely an intellectual proposition. You need a broader capability to act. Once you grasp … Continue reading
Posted in eldercraft
Tagged human nature, moral consciousness, mysticism, psychology, quantum reasoning, spirituality, Two Realms
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Parish Update: Late November 2014
For those of you praying with us about our needs, the “new” car is working fine. With the amount of donated funds left after making the purchase, the first thing we did is buy brake pads for all wheels and … Continue reading
Psalm 24
Commentators have long noted a fortuitous grouping of this and the previous two songs. In their minds, the trio prophesies the ministry of Christ. While the 22nd is obviously prophetic of the crucifixion, the 23rd is more or less the … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged ancient hebrew culture, King David, Psalms, spirituality
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Transportation: Rejoice
We have wheels. Thank you for all who prayed with us and contributed in other ways. Tonight’s Bible lesson on Psalms will be put off until we can finish the brake work. It’s not tragic, just something neglected by the … Continue reading
A Few Minutes of Worship
I have crappy days, too. Would it surprise you? Much of my ranting about the Germanic mythology and the sour mood in things like Beowulf arises from having inherited a major dose of that sourness. That is, I live with … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged chronic depression, depression, mysticism, spirituality, transportation, worship
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