Prayer Request: Fellowship

Kiln of the Soul needs a meat-space manifestation. I hope I don’t have to explain why it matters, but I suppose one prominent issue is having a real life laboratory for what I teach. Otherwise, yours truly is simply famished for physical fellowship.

It’s not as if I haven’t already tried every way I know how in my current location. We’ve advertised our house church worship off and on since moving here 5+ years ago. It ain’t happening. Nobody in this area wants what we are doing. That’s not a failure of faith, either. You’ll have to trust me on this.

Nor should you imagine I’m determined for this to take the shape of any standard congregational setting you may have seen. It could be just about any setting where other folks are exposed to my faith such that a bond of fellowship takes shape in meat space. It doesn’t matter what erstwhile activity creates the atmosphere. To be honest, if I were still eligible for military service, I’d go back and do that. It was a wonderful mission field in the past, so I can’t knock it. However, that door is closed, so it has to be some other thing that creates the occasion. I really don’t care where, who or what.

At any rate, I sense the mission calling and I’m praying Our Father will create the opportunity for me to get involved in His harvest. This is not an appeal for mere brainstorming, but a call for genuine spiritual service. Thanks for praying with me.

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2 Responses to Prayer Request: Fellowship

  1. forrealone says:

    You will have prayers lifting from down our way, Pastor. Father’s Will be done! (:)

  2. Pingback: Growing Pains | Do What's Right

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