Psalm 33

The glory and greatness of Our Creator is self-manifest. He needs no praise and honor. Worshiping God is simply in our own best interest. His glory is, but He allows us to enter into that glory as the place where all the good that we can have in this life is found.

We need to keep in mind that David is not mindless about referring to his nation as always good and right. Rather, the people of God are people of good morals, regardless of their national identity. However, the people of Israel have no excuse for being moral fools. David knew he was surrounded by shysters and manipulators, schemers of every sort. In some of these psalms, he calls to people to just give it a try, give the Lord honest praise. Never mind how you feel, do the right thing. Giving praise and honor to Jehovah is the right thing for its own sake. Shout, sing, play that music. If you aren’t happy with the tired hold hymns of the past, do what David does and write a new song to fit the occasion.

You can detect a hint of something with which most of humanity has struggled since the Garden of Eden: There is no standard by which to evaluate God. He exceeds everything because He made it all; He is the standard Himself. How do you dispute with the One who made all things? He reads your heart even if you have no clue what’s in it. Give Him a chance and He can renovate it into something worthy beyond words.

Yes, you can see an army and it’s power. You can ride a horse into battle, feel that massive power under you, and see the enemy run to escape. You cannot see God. But He made the horse and no army can touch Him. Just because you personally didn’t witness His deliverance at the sea crossing in Egypt, or any of the mighty miracles that destroyed nations and armies before Israel since that defining moment, doesn’t mean He isn’t watching your every move, every thought, and your dreams in the night. He doesn’t operate on your scale until you open the door to Him. Don’t wait for a crisis. Don’t invite trouble; turn to Him and worship Him when things are going well because they are going well.

Let’s stand with David who regards himself but a lowly attendant in the courts of God.

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