The Otherworldly Call

Dear readers, I’m pretty sure most of you realized long ago that our official governing institutions are not really the human government over any of us. The structure we see is a facade, though the people involved are surely dangerous enough to you and I. There are very real people who make the real decisions; their identities are partially hidden. Some are hands-on but plenty prefer the shadows.

So if you revolt against the ostensible government, even if you win, it won’t change anything. The same lies that hold you where you are will be used to put other people into some other structure. Your revolution will be infiltrated before it gets off the ground. Someone else will step up to serve the same masters, regardless of the apparent system. While the control is not so total and steely as many imagine, this shadowy ruling class does have a rather firm grip on all the factors people tend to believe are necessary for our existence on this planet.

It’s not impossible to remove them from power, just wholly unlikely. First, there are an awful lot of them, so it would mean a massive slaughter simply because we cannot be quite sure who has to die to break this thing apart. Not even the plutocrats know everyone in their society; there is no central registry because they aren’t going to yield to the kind of tracking they foist on all of us. Even more confusing is that membership in that society experiences the same kind of flux you might expect for us plebes and our social institutions.

Powerful, very much so, but keep in mind that these are mere humans. These shadowy rulers are very well-informed and highly intelligent. Declaring that demons are behind all of this won’t change the human factors we might discover were we somehow granted full access to their world. Nor should you imagine that these people are especially endowed with some kind of arcane access to Satan’s councils. He is the Prince of Lies, and lies to them, too. Satan is constrained by the God who made him. Some people watch too many movies and TV shows that flatly contradict the Word of Truth, imagining some kind of communion between humans and demons that God said He won’t allow. Satan’s position and powers are far more mundane than he would like for you to understand, and so are the abilities of his willing servants.

From Scripture itself we find plenty of wisdom to understand what’s happening in our world today. In general terms, these plutocrats are using a collection of nations and their economies and military forces to sow instability in all the other places in this world. At some point, those same tools of instability will be themselves destabilized. The US is being herded down to into chaos quite intentionally. With the US will go all her allies to one degree or another. Having once served its purpose, the fearsome beast must be destroyed. Don’t get lost in the details, but see the larger pattern.

Global government requires control, and the simplest path to control is creating dependence. With artificially induced chaos, we will be of necessity dependent on something — anything — that appeals to us as “salvation.” That fake salvation is sold in every form imaginable. It could be any number of a thousand things so long as it is not the one thing that works. The greatest threat to global government is a sense of internal peace, and the greatest sense of peace is not taking this life too seriously in the first place.

The single most powerful weapon you and I have against all of this suffering and sorrow is our commitment to His truth. Walk in the footsteps of His Son and you can’t go the wrong destination. In more concrete terms, take up the communion of your heart with Creation and teach your brain to obey the heart. Learn to see the moral fabric of God’s character in the world around you, and cling to what is righteous. If it ends your existence here, so much the better. Until that moment when He calls us Home to His side, we are called to walk in His character here. Creation itself will support your choice, so learn how to commune directly with it.

Learn to accept what is optimal within the context. Stop pursuing false visions of some objective ideal. There is no specific program for victory that will work with everyone. We are all wired differently regarding the kinds of things on which we can and should focus. The most important thing you’ll do is make your own individual peace with the Creator, and then with His Creation. That means you’ll learn to abstract the divine character of God from the various Law Covenants in the Bible and know Him as only you can know Him. If you don’t understand how Jesus was Himself the Living Law of God, then you cannot really grasp the meaning of the preceding Law Covenants. The ancient mystical approach to reality was the one God designed for proper human existence on this planet, so embrace it or stay in the living death of perverted Western rationalism.

Don’t go chasing after false messiahs. The only real Kingdom of Heaven on earth is in your heart, not your mind or your body. It manifests in communion, not conformity to some human-designed structure. Do what God calls you to do and accept fellowship with others where it appears in your path. However, keep your eyes on God and with your conscious understanding forever consign this world to destruction.

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