More Asylum Visit

Oh, you’re still here? Let me tell you about another delusion…

I’m pretending that someone who supports Trump has hired me to give some advice. Of course, you can probably guess how much someone would know about all of that sitting in a nut house.

You see, Ron Paul’s candidacy failed. I suspect part of what he did was to prove that playing by the rules won’t work. Nobody else in the system plays by those rules. In fact, I seem to recall at least one of his convention delegates was murdered en route, and some others were hijacked, as it were. That’s just the beginning of skulduggery.

If Trump expects to get anywhere, he should already be playing by the real rules. He has to disembowel/hijack the Koch Brothers’ political machinery, for starters. They are part of the banking-financier elite; Trump is part of a different team. They have waaaaay more money than he does. So he needs to hire at least a handful of folks as political sappers. Don’t go after the big names; go after the folks they depend on. Every face you see in the MSM has at least one utterly essential helper that makes their position tenable. Take out that background helper and things start to fall apart.

On top of that, Trump will have to disrupt the system itself before he gets in there. As a previous heavy duty campaign contributor, he should be aware of at least some of that nasty stuff going on in the background. It can be done with a relative handful of people and money, but it has to be done right and it’s already a little late in the game. He needs true believers in his program. They aren’t that hard to get, but they have to be experienced, or at least creative, resourceful and quick.

And in this day and age, he really needs some savvy IT folks. He’s got them, but he needs them working near the backbone level and frankly hacking the competition. His opposition has been doing that for a long time, but I sense he has better resources in this area. They need to get on the ball and start grinding down the opposition data and communications. Dig up that dirt and dump it in the open via some imaginary “Anonymous” or other established hacktivist label.

Does it sound immoral to you? Then you don’t understand genuine biblical morality. I’m simply describing things from a perspective of divine justice. Don’t attempt to organize revelation as some objective body of reasonable truth. It’s personal. I’m standing back here, completely out of the fray and explaining what I see from a heart-led moral perspective. At the highest level of moral justice, I’d nuke the whole system. That’s not on the menu; God calls me to consider things on multiple levels below that. Divine wisdom says that if Trump wants to win and harvest any portion of God’s blessings under the system as it now exists, he’ll have to do those things and more. Following that advice would bring the American people a few small increments closer to shalom from where they are now headed.

In other words, the measures I suggest are about as morally appropriate as it gets in the current system. I also stand utterly convinced that God would bless such efforts, if only on the general principle that it comes closest to the moral fabric of reality. Without specific prophetic insight into God’s plans, I feel certain Trump would prosper in these things and that God has already exposed the others to such attacks. Western Christians could never get this, because they still buy Plato, Aristotle and all the silly Enlightenment and Victorian “morality” that helped to create this stinking mess.

I feel like I’m some kind of alien visitor from another galaxy.

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0 Responses to More Asylum Visit

  1. shreya24x7 says:

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  2. forrealone says:

    How do you know you aren’t? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha. Just keeps gettin better, Ed!

  3. Paul says:

    I heard if you win the Presidency you have to undergo a psych test. Would not Trump fail that miserably? Meanwhile up here our underendowed Prime Minister has to prove his manhood, he wants to go after ISIS. Sheesh ! Laughing is our only option.

    • Ed Hurst says:

      Any such testing done is to establish a baseline profile of health, etc. It is not necessary for becoming president, but you can bet pundits will present all kinds of third-party psych-test results for various propaganda reasons. My mock favoritism of Trump is meant to show what dire straights we are in. The least painful option would mean someone like Trump engaging in what amounts to civil warfare just to keep this nation viable.