Rejoice: Prayers Answered

New neighbors next door are Christian people; a different flavor but decent folks. I prayed for their welcome and welfare. A couple weeks later their car got creamed in an intersection — just an inch behind the driver’s door. The other driver fully admitted the fault. But then they were turned away for a replacement vehicle by a couple of local car dealers. So I prayed again. Week later they had a new car that they could afford.

You already know about the prayer requests regarding the new workstation and router. Got what I really wanted and started learning about networking protocols, etc. I’m about there, and I trust God the DD-WRT Project will offer a good firmware package soon.

We got a decent tax refund this year. Our apartment maintenance had to scrounge for appliances before we moved in here. They are awful pieces of original equipment from the 1970s, just barely usable. So I prayed we could get new ones with the tax refund. I also prayed we could stay below a certain budget line and have enough left over to pay off my wife’s smartphone. Tonight we found said new appliances in our price range and they will be delivered Saturday.

Oh, and pastor now has to learn how to use his iPhone 5S that Sprint gave us free today.

And if God wants to take it all back from us tomorrow, it’s His in the first place. We had hoped these things could be useful to keep the ministry going here. We give Him glory for meeting our requests and it’s even frightening how these and other prayers have been granted. Let me pray for you, too.

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3 Responses to Rejoice: Prayers Answered

  1. Iain says:

    I share your joy brother.

  2. Linda says:

    Oh, and as we whisper His Name, how Heaven rejoices and sends forth His Blessings! How happy I am for you both! (:-)

    • pastor says:

      Thanks, Sister. And here’s another: I worried about some noise and slippage in the transmission on our Volvo. After a bit of research and prayer, I decided to have it flushed. There is no serviceable filter on these things, and they hold a lot of fluid. The shop down the street charged what I thought was reasonable, given that I have no place to work on it any more, and it did the trick. The car has many good miles left in it.

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