It rained last night. It wasn’t heavy rain everywhere, but enough to make today’s destination a little muddy. I rode out to the north end of Draper Lake. Just off the intersection where the bike trail runs into Draper Lake Drive, to the SE there is a huge open prairie visible on satellite mapping services. In actual fact, it’s pretty rough, gouged up area with hip-high grass and a some shrubbery not easily distinguished via satellite view.
It was also very muddy underneath the tall grass. I had to give my bike a bath when I got home, and cleaned off my shoes.
But it wasn’t a wasted trip. I spent a little time on my favorite grassy hilltop in the space between where West Draper Lake Drive diverges from Midwest Boulevard, leaving the latter to run straight south with a gravel surface. It’s not much of a climb, but it’s fairly broad and always very quiet. From this hilltop I can look across the upper West Elm Creek Valley where the far banks climb steeply. So I caught three images on a high magnification and rested the camera on my bike seat. The sky was still just a tad overcast. It was a beautiful peaceful moment. As usual, click on the images to see them full size.