Remember this? I shot a picture of an odd tree this last spring, intrigued by the color mix. So now I have a much more recent image; it seems to have lost it’s leaves very quickly when the overnight lows dipped below 50°F (10C).
Same tree, different angle. Now the berries are dark orange and soft. There’s no discernible scent. This thing stands in Ray Trent Park, Del City, where the multi-use trail has a T intersection. I’ve not seen any other tree like it anywhere in my riding.
Here’s a close-up of the remaining foliage and the berries.
For once, Cherry Creek had a little run-off water and it was trickling. The shot of the water falling over a few rocks didn’t turn out due to the way it was shaded. However, I was quite interested in how the cut-bank appeared from down near the water. It’s been quite a long time, but the creek has flooded in the past. The flow cut into the bank and left vegetation and roots hanging from above.
Today I rode out to Draper Lake, and took the longish drive down to the marina. On one side of the multi-lane boat ramp is a high concrete abutment with railings. I had the place to myself and I sat down on the deck, letting the wind sing to me through my bike beside me. This was the view from my seat. I honestly lost track of the time, but noticed there was not a trace of sweat on me anywhere by the time I felt like getting back on the bike.
Ed, a friend and I are trying to i.d. that little tree. Next time you go by can you check the number/type of seeds in those berries? Maybe a close up of any remaining leaves so we can see vein structure/ serration and whether they’re opposite or alternate?
It’s a lovely little thing, I’d love to know what it is.
Can do. On the next trip by I’ll remember because the tree keeps calling out to me.
I seem to be leaning towards a wild plum, which has fruit that measures an average of one inch or so. Hmmmmm…….
Well, Sister, after looking at a bunch of pictures of crab apple hybrids, I tend to think that’s what it is. It is one of the most highly hybridized species, and the berries do resemble tiny apples. Right now I’ve hit a wall of silence on my queries.