Eternal Outsiders

We of Radix Fidem and the heart-led way do not see ourselves as a nation or tribe among others on this earth. Rather, we are a tribe and nation on a totally different level. Our tribal communion is in the heart, and has nothing to do with human political and national identities. Nor do we reject those national and political identities; our religion encourages no interference at all in such matters. We leave those things in the God’s hands.

We operate in the Fallen Realm, but our orientation is on the Spirit Realm. Our hearts are alive in the moral realm where the Two Realms overlap. We sense with our hearts directly the moral truth to which most humans are utterly blind.

We have seen the ugly effects of religion as politics. The record is clear; we are now at the end of a political “Christian” empire known as Western Civilization. It is a very ugly record. But the record clearly shows that we would be just as miserable if our world was ruled by political Islam, or political Hinduism, or political Buddhism. For the past two millennia we’ve seen how political Judaism has played one off against the other, particularly the Muslims and Christians.

As it is written: “There is none righteous, no not one; there is none that understands, there is none that seeks after God.” (Romans 3:10-11)

You might imagine that a good life is possible under any of them, but the problem is fallen human nature. So each of those religions, and other isms that function in the place of religion, are just varied excuses for people walking on each other. We have no home in this world.

This is what frees us to participate from what appears to be an objective position on human aspirations. We could never be true believers under any flag or religious symbol, but we could be the most true and honest servants because our ultimate loyalty is to a divine justice that transcends every human care. This is what “mysticism” truly means: We are very much involved in trying to make things right because that’s why we live, but we approach the question from outside this world.

We don’t have to hide anything; no one believes us in the first place. There are precious few souls in this world willing to stand above it the way we do. We have no discernible agenda in anything because we live only for a justice that no one embraces. For us, it’s the process, not the results. So while there are things we’ll refuse to do, we know better than to think we can make anyone understand unless they can rise out of their intellects and operate in terms of conviction.

Get used to it, Brothers and Sisters. There is no place to rest in this world. It won’t matter who runs the show or what flag they wave, we remain aliens. Shine the light of glory wherever you are.

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2 Responses to Eternal Outsiders

  1. Iain says:

    Ah, ya big lug… pretty much condensed everything into one post. If I had a printer, I’d print it but, I don’t. I’ll have to copy it the old timey way; pen & paper, GASP!

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