Decentralized DIY Religion

Our group is called Kiln of the Soul, a virtual parish. The religion we share is called Radix Fidem.

There’s only one reason I’m the elder: Some of you have decided you want to share my moral covering, my shalom. If you find my domain comforting and a blessing, then you are welcome. That’s all there is to it. Every one of you has equal access to the Holy Spirit. You all have hearts capable of hearing directly from God. For some reason, some of you like the way I organize faith into a course of thought and action, so we now have a religion.

You are quite welcome to steal all the ideas; there’s no copyright except on the particular way I write them. Even then, all that copyright requires is that you tell folks where you got the writing, so they can come check the source for themselves. I’m not telling people to join this parish to get my ideas, but they are welcome to trust my leadership if God uses it to bless them.

Meanwhile, this blog exists only because I feel an undeniable urge to write about my journey of faith. My whole orientation assumes you should eventually be able to write your own narrative, tell your own story, some way, somehow. If you aren’t telling, you have come up short somewhere. A necessary element of genuine faith is that at some point, in some way, you are letting other folks see it.

Thanks to donations, I just paid another year on this blog and for the email service that attaches to this domain name: That doesn’t prevent turmoil from taking it down, but makes it unlikely. Still, my whole objective is that you develop your own faith and religious expression. Radix Fidem tries to make a lot of room for variation, but without some kind of boundaries, it’s meaningless. We can’t just fellowship with everyone on the planet; too many are saying and doing things that would lead us astray — even if it might be okay for them. No two of us have the precise same experience with the risen Christ, so He’s going to lead us in different ways.

Thus, I don’t call your religion invalid if it’s different from mine. But it may not be a good fit for what I’m doing, so I could ask you to take it somewhere else outside my domain. I explain things as best I can, but I refuse to debate. Debate presumes there is one right answer, and I simply don’t believe that. That doesn’t keep you from sharing different ideas, but we need to stay on topic. That’s how I have to do it here. Our forum is a little more eclectic; it’s set up to accommodate chatter like that. My blog is like my office, my ministry headquarters, with a small classroom; it’s not a forum. It’s compact and sparsely furnished. I don’t waste money on creature comforts like some religious leaders. No private jets; I have a decent bicycle, though.

If this blog does disappear, it’s most likely because someone with power and money wants to shut down our religion. It won’t work. I’m not an easy target because I have precious few dependencies. It wouldn’t take long to set up an office on some other service, maybe in another country or something. And all my important writing is archived in multiple places, so closing this blog won’t do much to silence me. But most important is that you already have all you need to keep on walking your own faith path, hearing your own calling from God, and working out your own mission.

What you need, God provides with our without me.

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