Draper Bikeway 8

I suppose they decided not to wait any longer. This image shows the bikeway path pushing through the dirt dump for the as-yet unfinished construction down below. The digger is loading up dirt from this massive pile into one of those off-road dump trucks. It’s being used to build up low spots below the dam.

This is one of the stretches I noted previously that really needs a build-up. Today half of the dump loads were coming around the corner to this side near the west end of the dam. The bulldozer is spreading it out wide and leaving about an extra foot of dirt atop the current path.

On the way home, I took SE 29th past the big Sam’s Club again. The new bridge on which the workers have been piddling for the past two months is now almost ready. The other end is still blocked with warning tape, but it’s almost ready.

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0 Responses to Draper Bikeway 8

  1. Iain says:

    I know about piddlin’ road crews, the state is tearing up the narrow twisting road down into the holler laying 36″ drains into the creek from the highway expansion , it’s a bloody mess, as the Brits say. Worse there is no way that creek can handle the additional water, it will flood for sure. That’s what you get when bureaucrats hundreds of miles away make decisions for people they never see.

  2. Jay DiNitto says:

    Sometimes I feel like every public works job ends up “piddling.” Those padded contracts and all…

    • Ed Hurst says:

      In this case, the issue is a city counsel that likes the praise of doing something so trendy and popular with voters, but isn’t willing to fund it properly and oversee the project. As noted in previous posts, there were periods of several weeks when the project sat idle, and it wasn’t because of weather.