Here’s the link to the PDF file combining all the parts to my study in Understanding Spiritual Gifts: Spiritual Gifts.
As a side not to my regulars: I had to ditch WordPerfect Office. After all these years, there are still several simple things you simply cannot do reliably in formatting WordPerfect documents. I’ve even read where thousands and users have requested the same small set of features and Corel ignores them all. So I’m stuck using MS Office for some parts of the task, then typically finishing with LibreOffice, which saves to PDF natively.
At any rate, I have the same document in multiple formats if you want; you can request it using the email address shown on the blog interface in the right hand column.
At times I really hate the PDF format when it’s used as a substitute for HTML documents…like when restaurant websites use them as menus.
Other times, like this, I think they are very welcome.
Agreed, Jay. On quick reference things like menus, it’s an impediment, a failure to serve the customer. It’s an attempt to manipulate the customer into cluttering up their computer with yet another document that will be out of date all too soon. For academic reference materials, it’s a good choice.