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Monthly Archives: May 2019
I May Not Care
Because of my confidence that God can speak to you just like He does me, and that your hearts are at least as wise as my own, I’m going to trust that you will get what I’m saying here. I’m … Continue reading
Posted in personal
Tagged divine calling, fellowship, mission, moral character
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Radix Fidem Curriculum: Privileges
4. Privileges Jesus offers the same shalom as with the Covenant of Moses, but it still requires covenant faithfulness. Jesus is the Lord of His covenant household. He promises all the blessings Israel could have had, and much more, but … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, Covenant of Christ, covenant of moses, faith, Garden of Eden, Holy Spirit, Law and Grace, Law Covenants, shalom
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Radix Fidem Curriculum: Covenants
The Bible addresses us in our fallen state. It says precious little of what came before, or what will follow after the Fall. This is mostly because fallen humans cannot comprehend life without mortality, or an existence not bound by … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Abraham, Covenant of Noah, covenants, Law and Grace, Law of Moses, spiritual birth
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Radix Fidem Curriculum: The Fall and Consequences
2. The Fall and Consequences We weren’t designed for this world, as it now exists. The Bible refers to our fallen condition as the Curse. Creation itself, in particular the natural world around us, is not fallen, but we are. … Continue reading
Scanned Photos 09
I am unable to identify the location of this one. I recall a sign saying it was “Chateau de Rhondinne” but I can find nothing anywhere on the Net. At any rate, this was one of a row of tiny … Continue reading
The Task Is Departure
Just as a reminder, I tend to favor Eric Berne’s Transactional Analysis as a model for human psychology. There are multiple models out there, and no one of them can explain everything. That’s because the human psyche is inexplicable in … Continue reading
Radix Fidem Curriculum: Hebrew Language
The curriculum work continues. We are now entering Part 2, which is the background for shifting to a more biblical point of view. Part 2 1. Old Testament Hebrew Language One of the languages Abraham spoke was Aramaic. It was … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged ancient hebrew culture, ANE, epistemology, Hebrew language, radix fidem
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Rightly Dividing in the Community of Faith
Let’s return to the contemplation of law and faith. What we call the Law Covenants in the Old Testament always aimed at a covenant of faith. The Law Covenants addressed communities, and helped people focus on the necessities of life … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covenant community of faith, covenants, faith, Garden of Eden, Law Covenants, the Flaming Sword
Teachings of Jesus — John 8:48-59
The world uses a lot of excuses to avoid dealing with the issue of Jesus as the Son of God. This passage of John has been ignored, twisted, and sometimes cut out of the Bible on the flimsiest grounds because … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged Abraham, covenant of moses, divine revelation, heart-led, human intellect, Jesus Christ, John's Gospel, messianic prophecy
Scanned Photos 08
One of the most memorable volksmarch trips was down in Weywertz, Belgium. The village is perched on a hilltop not far from the German border, and the folks here spoke German, mostly. Belgium is like that, not having any official … Continue reading