Here’s your Christmas gift from me.
The prophetic gift is gone. A primary symptom of having it was this constant, nagging sense of anticipation. I could sense things near and far — things that are, were to be and had once been — as having a sort of mass and shape in the moral sphere. That is gone.
It’s not a loss of privilege; I’m not being punished. I turned in the equipment from my old assignment and I have a new mission. So instead of sensing things from a peculiar, indescribable kind of radar, now I simply have that unshakable certainty about what God wants me to do. I’ve had that for a very long time, but it was sometimes eclipsed by what was on the radar.
That sense of imperative still includes things to come. I don’t see them with radar; I am told blindly, “Get ready for this thing.” I am aware that it’s not so much that “this thing” is coming, but that it’s my duty to be ready. That’s my mission.
What I’m told to get ready for is not precise. I honestly believe God will be making some of it up as events roll along. He’s still telling me that there are variables and other players involved, so I must remain loose and watchful. But I do know what kind of thing is coming.
It will be an apocalypse. There’s no other word for it. We’ll see the Four Horsemen, but this is hardly their last ride. And the one thing that most shakes me to the core is a sense of upheaval regarding religion. The established churches will be hammered, but that’s not the main point. It’s more like religion itself as a social institution will be shattered. We are going to find out a lot about current major figures and organizations, because some will turn in the right direction and sacrifice the worldly trappings. A great many will turn the wrong way and compromise to “survive”.
I will admit that’s more extrapolation than anything else. The thing weighing on me most is the absolute imperative to research and teach a particular message. It’s the same thing we’ve been doing all along, but father along that same path. The business of holding faith in isolation is a major issue for facing the future. Human society will change dramatically.
It’s as if the mere possibility of having a genuine biblical covenant community of faith will be virtually impossible. That door may open again some day, but it’s been pushed way off into the future, even as a mere possibility. It won’t do much good to talk about it for a very long time, except as a reference point to why we should reject the mainstream churches. We should not expect to see genuine elders and pastors because there’s no work for them. It won’t be possible. I’ve completely dismissed any clergy functions from my life. Instead, I do everything as a private elder/priest of my own household. Any heart-led male can do what I do. My only office is that of teacher.
So I honestly believe God is calling us to stand on our own with only the most gossamer threads of fellowship and communion. It will be like that time during Roman persecution, when believers would coyly make that half sign of icthys in the dirt with a toe, to see if the other person completes the drawing. Except we will have a different method. We will have to come up with ways to signal to each other without getting caught.
Part of the problem is that organized religion itself will lead the persecution. The “Woke Church” will become a really big problem for us. The idea of private faith that doesn’t conform to their image will become illegal, in one sense or another. The Harlot Church will definitely ride the Beast. We will be scattered.
This is what I’m preparing for, so what I write on every outlet I have will be aimed at this, with the full expectation that one after another of them will be closed at various times. I’m trying to get this message of preparation out there for you who feel called to the same kind of thing. We must keep the heart-led way alive.
Merry Christmas.