We Are the Exiled Nation

Let’s think this through with our hearts.

I’ve written repeatedly that the Radix Fidem path does not include any particular encouragement to rebel against evil government. We take it for granted all human government is inevitably evil, unfailingly driven by demonic impulses. Instead, our default teaching, consistent with the New Testament, is that nothing of lasting importance comes from any political activity. That was a major emphasis on the Gospel records regarding the Temptations in the Wilderness. Jesus came to restore the original focus of the Covenant, which is to create a spiritual mystical culture, an otherworldly focus. He specifically rejected taking a political path.

It’s not that Israel was never supposed to go to war, but that any warfare was overwhelmingly guided by the divine purpose. That purpose ranged between genocide of those whom God Himself condemned, to mere deterrence of those who were opportunists, and everything in between. Many of God’s commands make no sense at all on a human level, but it always remains consistent with the heart-led moral truth of revelation.

And with the national covenant closed once and for all at the Cross, most of those considerations are greatly reduced to a firm strategy of avoiding political conflict in favor of trying to stay out of the way of such things. Politics is a distraction from the divine mission. But that does not keep us from understanding how political wrangling can work (or not) over the short term. Were we motivated by considerations of national identity and such, we could construct a biblical strategy for political activity, even as we cynically doubt it would accomplish anything worth the trouble.

Let’s try to untangle this: Whatever anyone might salvage from the very confused American identity is frankly Anglo-Saxon for the most part, with a little bit added in from other sources, virtually all Germanic. If you are going to promote an American identity as the foundation for resisting the globalist evil monster, you have to be honest about what it is. You can make it all culture, but that won’t stop a rather valid accusation that it is for white folks. It works for other races if they embrace the culture, but it’s fundamentally a white culture. You have to decide that racism is not a sin, and then figure out why God wired us to be race-conscious in the first place. I’ve written plenty about that and we won’t pursue it here.

But the reason we have to focus on that is because the Enlightenment is the basis for the political system associated with American history, and we really need to ditch that. Democracy is the god that failed, and trying to call it “republican government” isn’t going to make it any better. There is no useful distinction between a democracy and a republic; both assume that man is essentially good, but misguided. That’s a lie from Hell. It’s the Forbidden Fruit; it rests on the very foundation of the temptation in the Garden of Eden. The only hope is to restore a tribal social structure, which is built into the Anglo-Saxon identity, along with all the other cultural influences on which the American identity rests.

It’s not biblical, but it’s about as good as America can get to restore some version of Medieval feudalism — provided you can make it a firm tenet to avoid consolidation of empires. It must remain decentralized.

By now you realize how impossible this task is. It’s not going to happen, except perhaps in a few, small scattered communities. But this should indicate something you really need to keep in front of your awareness: the massive tsunami brainwashing that prevents anyone from stopping to openly admit what’s real here. As long as the American identity is poisoned with belief in the system — the utter failure that is the US Constitution — no one is going to mount a valid resistance to the evil oppression upon us all now. As long as the resistance is restricted to trading rah-rah memes and videos, as if it were actually possible to turn the system around, there will be no valid resistance at all.

The globalist enemy owns the system. It was theirs when it was first designed. The US Constitution might be sly about it, but the whole thing was designed to enable elitist control, even as it promotes the lie of “everyone is equal.” The Myth of Equality is a two-edged sword. On the one edge, it is flatly false. This is not the reality God made. On the other edge, it gets you to believe in that lie so you can be manipulated. The US Constitution was composed by folks who had rejected a much more fair and realistic system; the Constitutional Convention members completely ignored their mandate.

Do you understand that Q-anon was a PsyOp? It kept everyone busy chasing sparkly dreams of things that could never exist. Do you understand that this vast network of faux political resistance is just another part of the same PsyOp? This idolatrous reverence for a false system of politics is the whole point; it guarantees that there will be no valid resistance to another Tower of Babel. It’s a trap. You cannot beat the oppressors by remaining within their mental prison.

And if you can see this, then you understand why the New Testament discourages getting involved in politics. People outside the Covenant are hopelessly stupid. They are cattle who will not follow the voice of the Shepherd; they have to be herded, and it’s a very messy and manpower intensive task. It could happen in theory, but as long as God doesn’t see fit to enable on the ground a system that actually works — Biblical Law — then we take that as a sign He’s not interested in making it happen.

What’s left is for us to live by His Word as a testimony against the false systems cooked up by bullies among the cattle who don’t know what’s going on. Those who follow Christ are like a nation in exile for as long as this world stands. We have to adapt to that existence and remain faithful to our witness within the context. The Kingdom of Hearts has no formal earthly existence.

This world is not our home; we are the Exiled Nation of Heaven.

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2 Responses to We Are the Exiled Nation

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    But, Ed…think of all the good we can do in JESUS’ name if we got more Christians into government!


    (Do I really need the closing sarcasm tag?)

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