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Monthly Archives: January 2023
Leaving the Herd 02
Part 1 of this series provided a foundation and overview. We must make ourselves conscious that the only thing egalitarian about our human existence is that we all start out doomed to Hell. We are fallen, and our human existence … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged Biblical Law, christian mysticism, covenant, Garden of Eden, heart-led, parables
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Leaving the Herd 01
Conversations and online reading convince me that, even among those who should know better, an awful lot of people still believe that some kind of bailout is possible. They talk and write as if they expect the Lord to provide … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged disasters, divine election, divine revelation, heart-led, human intellect, predestination, sanity, solar catastrophes
Slimjet Censors Websites
In the past I had recommended the Slimjet browser as a good alternative to Google Chrome. It has some nifty features. However, an unexpected “feature” recently appeared: It censors some websites. I was testing how Slimjet worked under certain conditions … Continue reading
Reality Inherently Flawed
A lot of people struggle with this: Reality is variable between observers. It is utterly impossible to arrive at a single inclusive answer. It’s not a question of what is, but of how we must approach the question, and what … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged fallen nature, human futility, reality, science, speculation
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NT Doctrine — Acts 6:9-15
Once again, I am unable to improve on my previous commentary on this passage. All of these new elders preached, but unlike the Apostles, they had the natural tendency to preach outside the old Hebrew communities. It’s hard to explain … Continue reading
Posted in bible
Tagged commentary on acts, eldercraft, jewish christians, racism, Sanhedrin, Talmud
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Hats and Covering
I’ve been asked about the issue of head covering during worship. Specifically, men in the Old Testament were required to wear something, and men in the New Testament are required not to. The issue is the term “covering”. This isn’t … Continue reading
Posted in teaching
Tagged covering, New Testament, the Covenant of Moses
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Guest Post: Catacomb Resident
My friend Catacomb Resident is currently unable to access his account where his blog is hosted. He has asked me to post this message for him. He says that if the situation is resolved later, he’ll post this in the … Continue reading
Posted in sanity
Tagged economic troubles, tribulation
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NT Doctrine — Acts 7
Israel never seemed to understand that their national identity was not the DNA of Abraham, but their adherence to the Covenant. They were never very good at inviting others to embrace the revelation they were given for that very purpose. … Continue reading →