The Inherent Impurity of Monsters

If you don’t embrace the Doctrine of Divine Election, then this blog isn’t going to offer you much. I take it seriously; it’s a necessary prerequisite for almost everything I write. Naturally, it’s a fundamental element in any criticism I offer to the mainstream, Big Eva in particular.

If you believe in Election, then it changes everything. The whole image of what a church does changes. There is no task so important as teaching the members of the body how to love each other. And in case you missed it in previous posts: That demonstrable love is evangelism. Everything else you say and do will mean nothing compared to that one factor.

Thus, the whole raison d’etre of every organized church body is to work on this one thing of learning how to love the way Christ loves His followers. That is the core of the Covenant of Christ; it was the one and only “law” He stated shortly before His death. Naturally, loving the Father is the a priori prerequisite, but it is assumed by the definition inherent in “loving as God loves”. You cannot know His love without loving Him.

The Body of Christ grows when the Elect see the kind of love they need in their lives. It calls to them. That’s the whole mission. Whether or not it draws anyone else is not the point; the only reason we do anything is to draw closer together with other elect folks. That’s the ultimate power in the universe; it is the essence of spiritual warfare against evil in every high place, both human and eternal.

Every week some new event shows up in church news about this or that monster church. It’s an abomination that monster churches exist. To build one requires a mindset that ignores Election and the mandate to love as Christ loves. There is way too much going on that cannot be justified under Election and love from the Cross. In order to build a monster church, you have to abandon that foundation and build on something else.

We live in the age when the Father calls to Himself those who worship Him in spirit and in truth, not in massive temples fixed in one place or another. There is no excuse for investing money, resources and manpower in those massive temples. There is no excuse for leaving the simple tribal-feudal association of people who gather with priest and elder to reaffirm what Christ has done and said.

Sure, you can have senior elders who coordinate between multiple bodies, but no group should be bigger than one leadership team can know, and know well, one on one. If there are people in the church body they don’t know well, and that don’t know them well, and the way things are conducted does not remedy this, then there are too many people in that body.

Whence comes the temptation for secret dealings that result in corruption in monster churches? It starts by having an organization and facility large enough to hide sin. It starts when the leadership have so much to organize and manage that they can be remote from any part of the congregation. When any portion of the church body can’t get close to know what the leadership smell like when they need a bath, then the organization is too big. (Think about that on more than one level.)

The Covenant has always rested on having people who live in each others’ armpits. A covenant cannot work any other way. If you have a senior elder, then all the junior elders need to be in his armpits; the same goes with a priesthood. Everybody needs to be totally exposed to multiple people who will hold them accountable to the Covenant.

The secrecy is rooted in a felt need to protect something other than the Covenant and the covenant family’s love. If it’s possible to get away with sin, even for a very short time, then you are doing something very, very wrong on the way there.

There’s more…

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  1. Pingback: High Trust Is the Devil’s Playground | Radix Fidem Blog

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