Polish the Mirror

I’m still convinced that apocalypse is kicking off this year. It’s been creeping up on us for quite some time, but it’s actually here now. When this summer’s heat begins sweeping over the nation, things will go seriously wrong.

Give God the glory. I believe I see how His hand is working, how His wrath will fall on America. It will be a confluence of streams of awareness. Naturally, some of it will be false, but there will also be some accuracy mixed in there. People will react and there will be significant unrest in America.

The Hoards of Darkness have been released. You should not imagine that the reaction lies within the people. Rather, it will be how they are provoked by demon spirits that hope to abuse them. Humans will go nuts; the people will destroy their own nests. They will feel pain, and begin to imagine that certain actions will benefit them, but it won’t.

In other words, don’t be fooled by false moral claims made by various activists. It’s a trap. They will feel the urge to take action on something that will not turn out well. They will be motivated by massive lies.

A prime example is the surging campus protests against Israel, in favor of the Palestinians. Yes, Israel is doing evil. But the people agitating about this are wicked in themselves. The actions they take will not solve the problem, but create whole new problems. Keep your eye on this movement; it will not simply fizzle out. It will become the new target of government oppression, because our government is Zionist.

This article warns that these protests will be hijacked largely because the protesting already involves the likes of Antifa and BLM in the movement. It’s funded by the same money that created so much havoc a few years ago.

Also keep an eye on how mainstream churches react to this. They will start making a lot of noise and moving money toward suppressing this movement. It’s another trap Satan is using to keep the Elect from their divine inheritance. It’s the tail end of Dispensational heresy. I say “the tail” because I’m quite certain Israel will be destroyed, though perhaps not completely. It will be a huge mess.

I’m not saying this will become the issue of this time in history, but it will loom large on the public awareness. Do you understand that the demons are provoking both sides? Here is a reasonable analysis of likely complications, but none of these are the real issue.

Others have joined me in saying that the real issue here is infowar. The violence and military action is a manifestation; the real battle is in the minds of men. The fruit of falsehood is ripening; this is the time for massive destruction here in the West. The Lord has decreed it, according to warnings long ago. Even if the issue with Israel’s current warfare dies down, something else will take its place. The masses are being driven mad, same as the political leadership.

Don’t get lost in trying to defend the wrong things. Any partisan divide is an illusion. The only thing that matters is divine justice, the call to redemption in the Covenant of Christ. The biblical term “salvation” refers to claiming one’s place in the Covenant, of harvesting the blessings of peace with God. That’s all we have, the only thing we can keep, the only thing that will follow us into Eternity.

Polish up the mirror of your soul to reflect His glory.

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