Reign of Terror 2.0

I should hope that some of you have already seen this analysis by Victor Davis Hanson. There’s not much to argue with there.

Of particular note was his comment that we are headed for a Reign of Terror 2.0, where the government and activists together go so far off the deep end that you’ll be fighting for survival. It won’t be Civil War 2.0 with clear battle lines; there will be no strategy, no definition of victory. The whole point will be destruction of what is, nothing more.

The other thing that caught my attention was his discussion of AI. The people who are leading in this field are the same bunch trying to destroy in a fresh Reign of Terror. I’ve said it before over the years: Techies generally hate people like you and me. If you were to scan the social comments made on tech sites over the past decade, you would see that the majority of those with the best talents in technology are politically radical, devoted to one-world government and the destruction of Christian religion. Do you reckon the Antichrist will be some AI?

We use technology to communicate, and it’s very good for that purpose. There would be no Radix Fidem without computers and networking. But the entire industry is hostile to us. It’s just a matter of time. I’m still working under the vision of laying a moral foundation that will stand when all of this has been taken away.

Nor do I imagine I’m working alone. There is no doubt God has plenty of His children working away at any number of idolatries, undermining the lies that keep the system alive. My mission has been clearly stated plenty of times; there are other missions that are critical to keeping the gospel, not just alive on the earth, but in a position to crush the lies wherever God wants it to go.

But make no mistake — we are in an apocalypse and it’s going to run for quite a long time.


On a related note, someone has asked if I still believe that Trump is going to make a comeback. Yep. I’m counting on him being back in office again. What we see in the news is just noise. No, I don’t like him at all; he’s a threat to the gospel. He’s a tool of the Zionists. However, I believe he is divinely appointed to bring about the final destruction of the Union of States.

Finally, people come and go in our Radix Fidem community. If you are too busy to interact, we’ll pray for you. But for the most part, the whole thing is 100% voluntary and it requires your active participation. If you have nothing to say, stay silent. If you choose to simply drop out of sight, we respect that. We aren’t going to chase you down.

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