Nothing Has Changed

The essence of divine revelation is explaining and promoting what God has done in Creation. God’s nature is inherent in Creation; the very nature of nature manifests Him. He is the fabric of reality. We have a mandate to live in His Creation according to His character. It’s part of who He is to reveal to us how all of that should work. His purpose in making humans was to express His character in Creation on His behalf.

We have a limited moral freedom within His Creation. His motives are inscrutable, but we have been granted sufficient insight to do the job of expressing His character. We bobbled it in Eden, and this necessitated some changes, but the underlying mission has not changed. The path back to Eden is through Christ. Fundamental to faith in Christ is the dual necessity of expressing and manifesting revelation in the context, along with condemning sin.

His revelation acknowledges that our situation is difficult, and He has made promises about fudging things in our favor, but only so long as we play by His rules. We must remain committed to His revelation, and that includes both the prescriptions and proscriptions.

Our ultimate value system includes the dire necessity of revealing Him. There is nothing we can do about the broader sweep of human political ambitions. We want no part of a focus that leaves God out of things. When humans seek any kind of freedom out of God’s hand, they can do so only by rejecting His revelation. Without exception, the only way a human can desire anything except God’s revelation is by accepting the lies from God’s opponents.

Think about it for a moment. The term “progressivism” refers to the dominant philosophy that man must progress from religion and its traditions, toward an increasingly secular orientation. This is the core of what we see moving in all social and political activity. Any attempt to limit this movement is vilified as inherently evil. The definition of “sin” becomes a matter of resisting progress in that one direction.

How humanity moves forward is not really the question, despite the propaganda. We are told there is a dichotomy between various brands of communism versus various expressions of fascism. But both are inherently materialistic and collective — the false collective of humanity against God. The differences are minor. When has “Antifa” not acted like fascists?

The progressive movement is surprisingly unconscious — a self-imposed lack of awareness — about how religious they are. Secularism really is a religion, a statement of faith about the nature of humans and reality. And they seek to raise up a god that is currently expressed in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is their Holy Grail, something that is relentlessly materialistic and secular as they define it. They want a power that no one can oppose, and so will impose their god on our world.

AI is currently not that intelligent. It is a bad joke; it’s nothing more than regurgitating the net gestalt of human chatter that has been filtered in preference for progressive ideals. It will be promoted as some uber-intelligence, but it’s just a big lie.

Yet, this is how it will become a threat. It will be the progressives’ biggest weapon against us. At some point, your various devices will cease to serve any useful purpose other than to link you to that awful brain-dead master. The real danger is that you would become so dependent on what those various devices do that you will not be able to function without them.

I’m not suggesting some kind of Luddite war against the devices, nor any kind of debilitating fear of them. Rather, we must develop a realistic assessment of how they will be used against us, and prepare to work around that. The devices are not the problem; it’s how humans allow them to rule their conscious awareness. The heart-led path takes us away from wallowing in the swamp even as we use the devices. It’s a narrow path, a challenging balance.

Some things are worthy of sacrifice, the price of the mission. Since the days Christ walked on this earth, we have borne a mission of living with the ways of this world, while not being confined to them — in the world, not of it. Each of us will have our own conviction-led path of resistance and rejection of the devices. The question is not something that can offer one answer for everyone.

You must know for yourself the balance point between too deeply enmeshed versus no longer able to speak to the world around us.

Either way, we don’t give a fig about the alleged “right of free speech” and censorship. We have a divine mandate to warn about sin and offer divine mercy. His truth cuts through the lies of this world, but only for those He calls. This may require some savvy tactical considerations about how to get the message out in various contexts, but the Lord has promised to lead us. Most of the time, most of the world will be deaf and blind, and may often oppose us for any number of reasons. Very few people will have any idea why they do it. Their motives have no bearing on the matter.

What matters is that we will get the message out, one way or another, or we will have failed our Lord. He can always do it without us. Our duty is to seek His face and follow our convictions in promoting His ways and condemning sin. Fundamentally, nothing has changed since we were kicked out of Eden, and nothing of significance will ever change until we get back there.

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One Response to Nothing Has Changed

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    “And they seek to raise up a god that is currently expressed in the development of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This is their Holy Grail, something that is relentlessly materialistic and secular as they define it. They want a power that no one can oppose, and so will impose their god on our world.”

    I’m obviously not a Luddite, but I’m beginning to think AI is irredeemable. What use people like you and I can get out of it, is already addressed by other means. As it is now, it’s only distinguishing purpose is promoting a certain brand of secular humanism.

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