Legitimate Use of Law

In our most recent Bible lesson, we see where Paul says that knowing the applicable law code from the Bible is not a waste of time. It is aimed at the flesh — our flesh. We study the law codes so that our brains are ready to hear from our hearts. Our hearts already know the truth of God; they don’t need the law codes — the flesh does.

What we proclaim is 100% miracle. There is nothing we can do to persuade the flesh. Our own flesh we nail to the Cross. Others must do the same with theirs. The Holy Spirit hands us the wood, hammer and nails. He’s the only source. Giving the non-elect the law code can help them, but it cannot save them. The most it might do is give them a sense of right and wrong.

These days, most flesh is all about logic, even if people aren’t very good at it. There is a pretense of logic burned into our society. This is why church leadership will often insist that the gospel message is still reasonable, and try to defend it with logic. That’s a failure. Logic cannot breathe the Holy Spirit into a dead soul. No one truly comes to Christ on the basis of reason and intelligence.

They might lay hold of a decent religion, but faith and reason are mutually antagonistic. Reason is the flesh; as soon as it realizes that it requires crucifixion, you can be certain it will fight tooth and nail to avoid the Cross. It will not surrender voluntarily to faith. Your will must seize the intellect and humble it. That’s what the law code is for.

You cannot know Christ with your head; He lives only in our hearts.

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