Make Room for It

Jesus chose His disciples. He knew what He was getting.

You’ll notice His plans had nothing to do with efficiency, nor even effectiveness. His plans had to do more with salvaging people already marginalized by their society. It was all about the people, not their talents or capabilities.

God can use anyone, or no one at all, to accomplish His mission. It’s not a question of whether the mission will get done. He wants people; that’s the mission.

This whole business of churches looking at resumes and accomplishments means we aren’t dealing with the Body of Christ, but a religious business with a tax exemption to cover for worldly ambitions. That’s not how Jesus chose His disciples. He didn’t use any special miracles that we cannot tap into.

He chose people that were available, people who would follow Him. Because they submitted to His feudal mastery, they were open to changes that would make them into miracle people. It’s the same miracle changes God willingly injects into the lives of everyone who are available. And sometimes He chose people who weren’t available, like Paul. But Paul understood authority and believed in divine power enough to become useful.

Anyone — truly, anyone — can be made useful to God. He doesn’t need our suggestions, our nominations for election. What we aim for is to manifest His message as a lovely vision that calls to those He prepared. It won’t matter what our assessments are regarding the people He chose. He chose you, didn’t He?

Make room for His power.

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