Nothing Special Required

I had a good visit with one of my readers yesterday. In our conversation, I was reminded of an important principle that I need to share.

In the Radix Fidem community, we teach that miracles and prophecies belong to the Covenant. You may get random samples of those blessings outside the Covenant, but for the covenant community, they are just par for the course. When God has anything important to say about current events, He always tells His covenant people first.

Here’s the thing: If He isn’t saying much about current events, then they don’t matter. It’s just the random background noise and there’s no reason to tell us anything except what we already know.

Now, we have had multiple prophecies that God is going to break down the US as we know it. However, the details about how He will do that have not been consistently reported, only that He will dissolve the Union. Personally, I’m expecting states to secede and form new regional governments after some major political polarization over any number of egregious provocations. I have no clear vision of what kind of violence and destruction might go with that, but I expect some. I do have a strong sense that it’s going to get rolling this year, and I doubt that it will be quick to finish, but will drag on for months, maybe years.

Thus, I conclude that the only part that matters is the fact itself that the US will cease to be a single country, and that we will suffer some economic troubles in the process. The rest is not that important; it will be just random human blindness chasing whatever the Devil and his gang offer. It’s not really our concern. The political, military and other shenanigans are nothing special.

We have been warned about American Zionists censoring everyone. Lots of people expect some kind of economic disaster; that doesn’t require prophecy. It will bring a strong rise in general crime rates. Lots of prognosticators have warned about power failures, Internet restrictions and outages, and likely trouble with the cellphone networks. We are at a very high risk of general mobilization for war, and even weapons of mass destruction. Those are not prophecies, but common human insight.

As regards the violence and destruction from political turmoil, we just need to do what we already know to do. We handle those things with the same kind of preparation that we make for what He has revealed. The problems will be the common stuff we might expect any time and anywhere. I’m sure some of it will be amusing, but none of it is important.

The big stuff comes later when the earth’s magnetic poles shift radically and our magnetic shield from solar activity gets very, very weak. It’s already on the way to that, and it’s measurable. For that, there’s really nothing we can do to prepare. That is, the preparation will be simply more of what we are already teaching.

There’s really nothing our community can do, except try to stay connected to each other as long as possible. Our primary mission is loving each other the way Christ does; that’s our fundamental Covenant Law delivered at the Last Supper. Keep asking each other, “What can I do for you?”

Whatever God intends for us does not require any special preparation.

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