Waiting on His Good Pleasure

Let’s get real about this: The US has been at war with Russia for several years, but it’s been a proxy war so far. At this point, it seems almost inevitable that the US will provoke Russia to the point that Putin will take direct military action against NATO/US. I blame the West in general and the US government in particular. Further, it would seem this escalation will be just about any day now.

Don’t get the impression that it’s madness or stupidity on the part of US government. It is sheer and unadulterated arrogance and spite. Whether or not they grasp how it’s likely to turn out for us simply doesn’t matter. Those pushing the buttons don’t care.

I’ve already said for years that the US government is at war with the citizens. TPTB hate us; they want about half of us dead. The other half they hold in contempt and don’t care what happens to them. I’m not sure how this will play out in details, but I think it’s wise to plan on a general mobilization for war. At the same time, I fully expect them to try it without a formal declaration, because there’s too much to lose with a vote in Congress. Instead, it will provoke some states to act in unpredictable ways.

The Democratic Party realizes that they will almost certainly lose the next election, and are preparing to use war to prevent having that election. I suspect it will fail, but you never know. I think it’s wise to expect this to kick off an economic break-down of some sort. Shipping will be disrupted; assets and supplies will be seized for use by the government. I find martial law highly likely, because certain kinds of protests are virtually guaranteed. At the same time, I have no way of estimating what that would look like.

Nor can I guess how the action in Gaza/West Bank is going to get twisted into this, but I’m certain it will.

The Lord hasn’t given me any prophetic warnings, only a strong sense of conviction to get ready for hard times. This is likely to disrupt the current ministry operations. I’ve stepped up my purchase planning for the new computer office hardware. My wife already has her equipment. I now have that dot-matrix printer and it’s very good (and I’m hunting for continuous feed paper). Instead of a Surface device, I settled on a 15″ Latitude to replace my desktop system. Somehow, a certain degree of mobility seems important. It’s already on the way; the Lord provides for His work.

I’ve picked up other kinds of tools, for bicycles in particular, and I’ve got some replacements for parts that wear out fast. Canned goods for a low-sodium diet are limited, but we are stocking up. The other stuff you can guess; no need to spell it all out.

Should it turn out I’m wrong and it fails to take off, I will have lost nothing. All of this is where I was headed already; this just means doing it earlier than I would have otherwise. As long as the Lord provides, I’ll keep working my way down the list of priorities so that we are as ready as possible before this month is out.

Should anything serious happen, I want to be found faithful, ready for whatever our Lord commands.

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2 Responses to Waiting on His Good Pleasure

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Fun story: the other day after, not while, I pumped air into my MTB’s tires, the back tire blew out of nowhere. I probably overinflated, and/or the tires or tubes were old. Never had that happen before.

    I bought this a few years ago, as a “just in case” measure, but I found myself using it a lot more than occasionally, even for non-bike things that came up:

    • ehurst says:

      I bought one like that. It came apart in my bike bag and I never got it back together. YMMV, but I carry specific tools that fit the fastners on my bike.

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