Nothing Special Is Lost

A prophetic word for you…

I’ve already hinted at this, but let me state it more bluntly: The end of the West is of no great significance in the Spirit Realm. More to the point, the coming collapse of America will hardly be noticed by the heavenly hosts. Nobody in Eternity will weep. Demons will not enter into any particular celebrations; it’s just a routine thing.

The sheer hubris of westerners thinking this is somehow a big deal is itself stunning. This is nothing, folks. It hardly warrants notice. It won’t be missed by anyone who matters. Indeed, it’s not actively being destroyed at all; it’s simply being dropped on the ground as something that is worn out and used up. The support system is being pulled and entropy will do the rest.

Try to understand a basic moral principle: Arrogance rises with the lack of substance.

I still believe that the Network Civilization is already rising in place of the West. It will live a very short life before civilization itself is destroyed. Whether that also signals the Return of Christ is actually not a pertinent question. What really matters is that the most unimaginable destruction is coming somewhere down the road ahead of us, and that the end of the West is definitely not the same thing. The End of the West is just a bump in the road.

It’s okay to lament the loss of everything you know. Indeed, most of humanity will die in the next twenty years or so. If you really enjoyed Western Civilization, then it will be a great loss for you. In that case, you are actually weeping for yourself. Westerners really do not understand sacrificial love and genuine caring. You have to abandon your western identity to rise above and learn to actually care about others.

Honestly folks, God sees this as no big deal. He’s not losing anything. It was designed by Satan and serves only his nefarious agenda. It has always been inherently hostile to God and contrary to His purposes.

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