Divine Treasure Is Otherworldly

I want you to learn the concept of the middle path. What I’m referring to is my expectations for the future of America. The US will certainly not rise any farther; it will also not collapse completely. Rather, it will fracture and we little people will have a rough ride, but it will not be a movie-styled apocalypse.

That apocalyptic stuff is farther down the road when the magnetic poles of Earth shift rather suddenly. That still appears to be almost twenty years away.

In the near term, we are entering a period of dissolution and decentralization. It’s hard to predict how that will play out. There are so many ways in which the holding and moving of money is centralized that it would surprise us. On the other hand, it’s never been quite what the centralized bankers would have hoped. There are way too many elements in the big picture that remain localized, and those elements will tend to keep working just fine when the system breaks apart.

There have been steady efforts toward centralizing control over food, for example. Most readers are probably aware that Bill Gates has been buying up massive farmland plots, and he’s not the only one. This is alongside efforts to create new processes for fake meat and other foods, which would quite naturally require huge, massive centralized manufacturing plants. You will not see boutique meat substitutes.

But the consumer resistance is higher than anyone expected, so the progress has been very slow. Yes, some mindless consumers have latched onto this new junk, only to find it is not as attractive as they first were led to believe. Once a new product has been out for a while, consumption drops back down to tiny amounts. The only success is that it is kept on life support by Big Finance.

That the globalists will continue trying to ram it down our throats will be a major factor in the collapse of the system. People at large are not quite as malleable as the moguls would like. They won’t so much rise up in arms as simply fail to be herded due to lack of interest.

Sounding the fear alarms is like most everything else: People simply get used to it and tune it out. Rule by fear wears out after a while.

Thus, on the one hand, we know TPTB will try again to seize more control through some kind of fake pandemic alarm. On the other hand, some state governments have already passed laws against that kind of heightened centralized control. It’s going to fail badly; the COVID-19 panic response was very poor in the first place.

This is going to be a “muddle revolt”, as it were. There’s not enough energy to actually fight the globalists — which would require a determined army and the slaughter of several million Americans, plus wanton destruction of government controlled facilities. But the herds will slowly cease to pay attention, and eventually organize just enough to reject the controls. The blobby mass will neither fight nor stampede. For the most part, it will be a feeble resistance.

Thus, we will still have globalists around for a long time, and they will continue to afflict us, scolding and haranguing, grabbing control of everything we don’t nail down. But their window of opportunity has already closed. Instead, they will become once again the restive minority agitating for more of whatever seizes their fancy at the time.

Life will still be crappy with no real progress toward sanity, only false claims from self-proclaimed “conservative” hucksters taking their turn at the feeding trough.

I’m not forgetting that the highest level of elitist manipulation is still some kind of Jewish thing. What I’m saying is that those of us who see it clearly are not numerous enough to have much effect. Our message is drowned out in the racket of fake Nazi wannabees, a false element planted by the Jews themselves. There is no human solution to this problem; it is all controlled by Satan and his allies. God has left the situation in their hands simply because it does not hinder what He wants to do with this world. Indeed, they are playing in to His hands.

Any serious concern for life here in this fallen world is just a continuation of the Fall. This world has always been an illusion under Satan’s dominion. It does not matter. I’m not promoting nihilism. There is a purpose; we are here because God wants it that way for now. This world does have one use, for which God is keeping it alive: It is the demonstration of His justice. We Elect are the final proof that God is right and just, that Satan deserves his punishment.

That there is a non-elect population is just a part of the setting. We are obliged to work around them and not get distracted by their concerns. If we keep joining in their vaporous anxieties, we cannot provide a clear testimony of our God’s justice. Let the Jews steal everything; it will evaporate when the Day of Judgment comes. Our treasure is not in this world.

That said, let’s note some interesting specifics about our situation: If war is coming for NATO, it’s a good bet it will be from mid-July to August. Any later will miss the window of opportunity to swing US elections. TPTB will make every effort to provoke Russia in the next few weeks. If Russia fails to take the bait, there will surely be a false flag event.

Meanwhile, the ongoing provocations will likely see Russia (with Chinese assistance) arming her allies across the world. All the other globalist eggs will start cracking everywhere. From the linked article:

And here are the top candidates to receive these weapons – as extensively debated not only on Russian TV channels but also in the St. Petersburg forum corridors.

West Asia: Iran (which already has them); Syria (badly needs them); Yemen; Iraq (would be very helpful to Hashd al-Shaabi) and Libya.

Central, Northeast, Southeast Asia: Afghanistan, Myanmar (these two were present in St. Petersburg) and North Korea.

Latin America: Cuba, Venezuela and Nicaragua (just look at the current Russian foray in the Caribbean).

Africa: Central African Republic, Congo, Ethiopia, Somalia, Southern Sudan and Zimbabwe (just look at Lavrov’s recent African tour).

I believe the analysis is plausible. Prepare accordingly — prepare to be a witness in such a context.

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