It’s Who We Are, Not What We Do

I’ve already laid the foundation: This life is an illusion. Our human existence has only one purpose, and that is to testify that God alone deserves all praise and glory. There are others competing for some of that glory, and they are not human. You and I are the proof of God’s claim. We have no other purpose; we are expendable and we had better get used to that. Nothing any human or all humanity together could do will change that basic truth.

And surely civilization is not important; it’s merely comfortable for us while we are here supporting our Creator’s claims. Building civilization is most certainly not part of God’s fundamental revelation of His will for fallen mankind. Given the nature of the natural threats heading at us, some of us will be around after civilization collapses. The loss of civilization will not change God’s mandate for humanity.

The bulk of humanity are not aware of the coming global disasters. Some of the elite do know; remember that seed vault hidden in Norway? Those who do know about the disasters are suppressing the information. Recently, some of the scientific data regarding the movement of the magnetic poles has been closed to the public. The US government knows and is hiding it, in collusion with other governments.

I’ve tried to delineate the boundaries, to point out God’s priorities. Humans can participate in the Covenant promises and blessings without being Elect. However, the emphasis is on the Elect; we exist as the primary testimony on God’s behalf. Our eternal destiny includes judging and replacing the Elohim Council after Christ returns. Whether or not we have natural heirs on this earth is of little importance. The issue of raising families is part of the lower priorities of Biblical Law; it is not on the level of the Great Commission.

Thus, get married and have kids of you can, if the Lord provides that opportunity. Otherwise, don’t let it distract you from the real mission. That is right out of the New Testament. The Kingdom of Heaven doesn’t grow by fleshly reproduction; not everyone born in a Christian home is Elect. Our primary mission is to seek out the lost sheep of Divine Election.

None of the other human ambitions count for much, either.

The Great Commission demands that we teach what Jesus taught. He rolled into His New Covenant some elements from the Old, which included elements of Noah. While it is useful to study and make a list of things the New Testament mentions about this, it is not the whole answer. The answer is understanding the divine priorities, to incorporate in our thinking the moral character of God Himself. Revelation is not data; it is God’s Person.

The Great Commission is that we manifest His Person in our lives. We must mirror the full revelation of God in the limited context of who we are and where He has placed us.

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2 Responses to It’s Who We Are, Not What We Do

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    I note here that if the Earth’s new poles are where the S0’s claim they will be at, Norway will be very close to the equator. There are other good reasons to store seeds there other than that, I think.

    I also note that I observe many non-Christian kids emerging from Christian homes, and people tend to blame parents unfairly for that. It could be the parents’ fault or not st all. The blame game seems to place to much emphasis on human effort, as though simply trying harder will produce the desired result. I heard a pastor rail against rather passionately some time back and it stuck.

    • ehurst says:

      Exactly; blaming believers that their family is not Christian is just wrong. Nobody can tell me I didn’t try to reach my brother, but he died a non-believer. Sad, but not my choice to make.

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