War Soon

On the one hand, I’m not all that sure what humans could actually pull off. On the other hand, I’m quite confident I understand their various ambitions.

Starting from the top level, we already know that the neocons, and to some degree the Zionists, are hoping to destroy the West. They are the ones driving the urgency toward global war, and they are quite blasé about nuclear war. They have intentionally driven up the price of US war equipment, making it excessively complex and unreliable as part of their broader efforts to bleed the US and NATO dry.

Don’t believe the nonsense about the military-industrial complex being mindlessly greedy. That might have been the case when I was a kid (1950s), but the neocons invaded that space before I was an adult (1970s). And their underlying agenda has been to destroy the US and Europe over the long term. This is the part of the Jewish agenda that few want to openly discuss. It’s one thing for scholars to notice how Jews have taken over western societies and governments, but the goal is not simply control, but destruction. They insist on humbling us totally before seizing full control.

This is nothing new; Jesus warned that the underlying power of Judaism was Satan. We’ve already noted that Satan’s agenda is relentlessly hostile to humans. We might debate the question of “how much”, but that the modern Jewish elite agenda is driven somewhat by Jewish religion is not in question. The False Messianic Expectations are too obvious in what has already happened. What made the folks in Nazareth so angry that they wanted to throw Jesus off a cliff was that He quoted the prophets about sweet Messianic promises (“gracious words”) while leaving out the part about vengeance against the Gentiles. The Talmud is loaded with hatred and contempt for Gentiles, referring to us as less than human.

Further, the Pharisees’ spite for their own peasants is still around. The Zionists obviously hope to conquer “Greater Israel” and rule the world, but the neocons are cynically using the Zionists. The neocons have already admitted that they will not hesitate to bring destruction on the Zionist project; the common Israeli citizens are cannon fodder. Ever heard of the Hannibal Directive? There are devoted neocons in the Israeli government.

And if they are willing to slaughter their own, how much more willing would they be to burn through Gentile populations? The current Israeli regime is desperately trying to get us involved in a war with every Muslim government in the Middle East, Iran in particular. The current action in Gaza, and soon to be in Lebanon, is not based on any real confidence in the IDF. It’s all calculated to drag the West into war, to make the western countries feel obliged to rescue the “besieged” Israelis. The Zionists want to use us to gain control, but the neocons want to use Zionists to destroy the West.

And the neocons are using globalists, as well. The latter are driven to seize all exploitable resources in the world. Everyone can see that Russia is going to win their war in Ukraine, but the one reason the US government would never admit this is because of the resources in Ukraine, especially the part currently claimed by Russia. This whole conflict was provoked by NATO because of a lust to seize Russian assets, too.

Thus, we come to the place where our government and NATO are working hard to provoke Russia to use nukes. I’m not saying that they will succeed, but you need to understand that their actions, public or secret, are aimed at provoking a conflict that will eventually destroy the West. The globalists are broadly convinced they can win such a conflict, that they can remain aloof from the destruction of all us little people.

Given that the Russian and Chinese governments have been quite savvy in dealing with these provocations, I can’t say whether western leadership will succeed. However, I’m utterly convinced the West will invoke a false flag incident just to blame Russia/China and claim this as justification for mobilizing a direct attack. Between the neocons, and their Zionist and globalist lackeys, we will be at war very soon.

Addenda: A recent interview with Scott Ritter indicates that Israel is collapsing already. Citizens are leaving the country. The globalists are not at all sympathetic to Zionism, so they are moving the US/NATO away from war in the Middle East and trying to focus on Russia/China. That doesn’t mean a total end to support for Israel, but that the internal workings of the US government is fractured worse than we might have realized.

That would mean a higher probability of war here.

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One Response to War Soon

  1. Jay DiNitto says:

    Let me grab my popcorn first (it’s a rare treat…we already talked about corn).

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