The Sure Path

While we might have been surprised by the audacity and scale of vote counting fraud in the last presidential election, the fact that it was fraudulent was no surprise. Many of us saw it coming. If I thought voting mattered, I probably would have gone underground and counseled violence to prevent the count altogether. A few voices did suggest that, but I’m convinced that voting makes no difference.

That is, I’m convinced that the bulk of humanity is led around by the nose. The majority are under some level of control from demons and rebellious elohim. That governments and populations can be fooled is well established in the Bible. Only those who are faithful to the Covenant are free. In general, covenant people don’t bother with voting. If we can’t have a covenant law — feudal and tribal — then there’s no point in getting involved.

Of course, the forces of Darkness generally use human proxies. In a previous post, I’ve already mentioned the highest level of human proxies: Jews. You can find a lot explanations for how the term came into being, but in the Bible it referred to Judeans. After the Exile, that meant whatever was left of the Israeli nation. The Synoptic Gospels use the term quite sparingly, but John’s Gospel, written much later than the others, uses it often to refer to enemies of Jesus — Pharisees and Scribes, the Sanhedrin, and any other Jewish authorities.

The New Testament people never foresaw a time when the term “Jew” would be ambiguous as it is today. The separation between Jewish ethnicity and religious commitment was inconceivable. Today we have a fairly complicated situation, and it’s intentional. Jews themselves have created this confusion to gain an advantage. You can’t easily talk about the guiding force of Jewish activism without painting secular Jewish folks who aren’t actually involved. The leadership is hiding behind their own cannon fodder.

But again, if they are cannon fodder, they still present a threat by their presence on the field of battle. We’ve examined the elite Jewish agenda at length; everyone knows that there is a conspiracy to destroy northern European people, culture and civilization. While it may be hard to discern a precise strategic interest in this, it’s not hard to find any number of secular or converted Christian Jews willing to expose the broad contempt for Gentiles.

If nothing else, the Jewish strategy of destroying white people first is easier than the other Gentile peoples. Whites are wide open to it. God’s revelation says that if you denounce race to enter the Covenant, then you are protected. If you denounce national identity for any other reason, you will be devoured. The Tower of Babel was all about national identity.

Compare with the Chinese, who have told the Jews to get lost. And Russia is slowly coming around to that position by boosting nationalism. The European countries that will survive are doing the same thing. The rest will be destroyed because they are hostile to national identity.

Have you noticed that every ethnic group that is invading the US (“immigration”) is clinging to their national identity? Whites alone are not allowed to have one, nor even discuss it. And just who was responsible for agitating for open borders? The Jewish activists in the US. And of course, Jews have tightly organized to defend their national identity, too.

While I’ve said repeatedly that I denounced my white identity, it’s because the Kingdom of Heaven requires everyone to denounce theirs. Jews who take seriously their Jewish identity cannot be treated as genuine Christian converts. If thy are still Jews, they are outside of Christ, still under the Old Covenant. Paul said this several times, the Jew of Jews himself.

Just for good measure, the Jewish agenda to destroy the Christian religion has not changed since Paul’s time dealing with the Judaizers. They have largely succeeded, given how so much of organized Christian religion avoids the Covenant. Satan is very happy with that, because walking in the Covenant is the sure path to calling out the Elect, both Jew and Gentile.

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