Another Look at Expectations

Aside from the broad political and economic threats to life here in the US, there is a raft of other moves to make us miserable. You are probably aware of the various Green cult efforts to reduce human population. There are policies based on any number of utterly false claims of human-caused climate shift, the imaginary dire necessity that we stop eating meat, and serious shifts in medical treatment policy.

All of this is aimed at herding us into kill-pens of one kind or another. This is the globalist agenda at work. Globalism will falter and collapse because they have no charismatic leaders to push through a message that is patently hateful. But the individual Green campaigns will live on, threatening us from every side.

The globalists appear to believe that they must provoke a war between NATO and Russia within the next month or so. It’s their one last opportunity to regain credibility for the next election. Presidents (and their parties) at war seldom lose elections, and this is all they have. We can already see the Zionist activism ensuring that the next president will be a Zionist.

That is, unless Israel collapses rather suddenly. I’m not in a position to see all the details playing out inside the Israeli government, and I’m not so sure even those in the thick of it can see all the angles. But it looks like their government is chasing an impossible dream. I’ve already noted that the neocons are using the Zionists, and would not hesitate to throw the whole thing under the bus. Lest we forget, [The Cult] is the soul of the neocon movement.

For all practical purposes, The Cult is the primary nexus between demons (disembodied souls of the Nephilim) and their most devoted human lackeys. It is as close as the demons can come to being reincarnated in flesh again. Their native goal is the destruction of all humanity, but to torment us while we live.

In the long run, it is they who hope to keep humans deceived about the nature of coming cyclical natural disasters. On the one hand, they are hoping no one prepares for it. On the other hand, they are deceiving their insiders about how it will work and how to survive it. Only God knows what He is planning to do, and He is the only source for survival, since He can bring through the disasters those He wants to see survive, regardless of any human effort.

One of the reasons I’m convinced that this is not the End of All Things is that my convictions tell me we haven’t met the minimum standard for God declaring His purposes complete in this Fallen Realm. As witness to this, none of the persecution coming at us targets actual faith. It’s all generalized on human ambitions and misses the point. The apocalyptic passages in Scripture point to a very direct attack on revelation and faith. To me, it seems there is no support system for a broad attempt to crush the gospel message itself. For now, the whole threat is focused on mere human concerns, and the threat to us is simply that we are part of the human population the oppressors seek to control.

The Covenant is not specifically targeted, and there is no way to estimate how to survive the cataclysms. Thus, we should give our attention to the political and economic disasters at hand. I’m betting on a few weeks of transition in which banks will be closed to normal business. Many will collapse in the coming months. I don’t think anybody knows the tipping points for this stuff.

The dollar will be useful, but it’s value will drop. Keep some cash on hand anyway. If you need a lot, then keep precious metal coins; silver will be easier to use, but gold isn’t a bad idea for keeping your existing wealth accessible. Make sure you can get to it easily, but that outsiders won’t know you have it, nor where it is. Buy a food stock to survive weeks, not months. Buy things you use all the time, especially things that won’t be useless during blackouts. Think about how you’ll function if power is intermittent, or in some places it may be gone for a while. You’ll have to gauge that for your own area.

The biggest hassle will be failed communications. Think about how everything will change when information slows to a crawl. Anything online is likely to be difficult to access for a time, or will be intermittent. My sense is that cellphone networks will be the most reliable, but that’s just a guess. I’m not the only one who thinks so.

Local and state governments will be scrambling to keep things going. You’ll have to get a sense for what yours is likely to do. For example, I know mine will not cooperate with another fake medical emergency, and would resist a mobilization of the National Guard. We have adequate electrical power relying on natural gas; we have lots of petroleum to export as well as agricultural products.

We could spin up small scale manufacturing, but highly specialized stuff will be hard to get. I’ve bought and stored things I expect to see disappear from store shelves, but like everyone else, I’m sure I’ll forget something. It will be a test of faith and prayer when the system cracks apart. But it’s not going to be a total failure, just a decentralization. Things will come back in some fashion after a while, and I believe the Internet will survive, but I expect it to change, adding some restrictions we don’t face now. Everything will be more expensive in terms of what we have to spend. Only a few will prosper from this mess.

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